
1093 Creation.... natural disasters.... reference....

September 15, 1939: Book 20

All forces in nature unite to work for the lord.... Seemingly arbitrarily, one event follows another, but it is in the will of the one Who directs and guides everything, and all the forces of nature obey this divine will. In view of this fact, all natural processes only take on their true meaning. Whoever regocnizes the visible will of the lord in this is now also able to regocnize the greatness of what will now come upon the earth. An eternal change of all natural processes and yet again the regular return of these leads to the false assumption that nature in itself determines its laws, that therefore an event is always the consequence of a previous one.... which in a certain respect cannot be denied. However, every event is foreseen in the plan of the divine world order; one is indeed naturally the consequence of the other, but only because the lawgiver from eternity has inserted His law into the existing world order in precisely this way and no other, so that everything is therefore conditioned by His will. And this will, in turn, corresponds entirely to the state of maturity of everything spiritual that creation harbours for the purpose of perfection. To bring this state to perfection is the purpose of all events in the entire universe.... And all natural events, of whatever kind, are always only the means to this end, and from this again it clearly emerges that forces of the underworld, the opposing power, can never be at work in every event that comes to light in God's work of creation, be it constructive or destructive. The activity of the eternal deity can always be regocnized in this, Who allows nothing to happen arbitrarily, i.e. without any wise intention. Anyone who looks at all natural processes in this sense will also be able to regocnize that only divine love is the driving force behind everything that happens, for it is only because the creator loves His creatures dearly and wants to enable them to become perfect that He has created countless possibilities which all serve this one purpose. Consequently, there is nothing in the world that would be pointless or even have any other purpose than to serve this maturing of the spiritual. And thus every disaster, no matter how painful its effect, only has to be considered in this sense, and only the creator's profound love has to be regocnized in it, Who has to resort to such means precisely because the spiritual substance partly has to be redeemed from its solid form and partly allows itself to remain unredeemed through its own will and thus has to be remedied, because all sojourn on this earth only aims at a state of perfection, a maturing of the spiritual substance....


Translated by Doris Boekers