
1127 Renunciation in favour of others.... charity....

October 5, 1939: Book 20

The common good very often demands a sacrifice of one's own well-being. And a certain sacrifice must therefore be made in order to be able to serve one's neighbour. Nothing is more beneficial to a person's soul than a willing renunciation of all the comforts of life in favour of his fellow human being. This is true neighbourly love, which has an indescribably beneficial effect. Such actions already result in the greatest blessing on earth, for it awakens love in return and thus contributes to the ennoblement of the human being. And the father in heaven allows His children to do the same as they do and give to each other.... And so earthly good is also increased for the blessing of the giver as long as it is not done for the sake of reward.... However, the effect of all such deeds is far greater in eternity. There are certainly countless people living on earth who are not at all comfortable with this willing help towards their neighbour, they reject everything that could remind them of such helpful deeds and yet they do themselves the greatest harm, for one day they will have to record a shortfall and this will be bitterly regretted. For the same thing that their neighbour once desired is now their most ardent wish if they need the love and mercy of other souls in the same poverty and neediness and it is now denied to them. And therefore give.... give with full hands if you are approached about it and try to alleviate the need where you can.... Offer yourselves if you can help your fellow human being by doing so, and know that the father in heaven will not deny you His mercy if you ask Him for an earthly gift.... For He does not leave His child in need, but in the same way you should also give up everything you can give to your fellow human being in order to alleviate his need. And if you feel the goodness and love of the father in yourselves, remember the poor at all times and always show them your love and mercy and do not let them go without.... For the lord God has brought you together so that you may help one another, comfort one another and alleviate all suffering, so that you may redeem yourselves through works of unselfish neighbourly love and at the same time awaken love and thus contribute to the ennoblement of humanity....


Translated by Doris Boekers