1031 Call of God.... earthly activity....

July 30, 1939: Book 19

The lord determines the time of your work, and you will therefore receive the proclamation according to which you are to stop your earthly activity and devote yourself entirely to the lord. Your task demands your full commitment, you must place yourself at the disposal of your lord and saviour with all your strength and with complete devotion and faithfully fulfil everything that is asked of you; and all obstacles that stand in your way will be removed with God's help. You must never think that a hardship could arise for yours if you no longer fulfil your previous work; on the contrary, a complete change in your previous life situation will relieve you and grant you complete freedom, but you should then also use this in the right spirit and enter into the service of the lord without delay. The divine master teaches His disciples for the very purpose that they are active for Him and in His name on earth, and when He now calls them, they are to serve Him without contradiction. They are to give to mankind just as they have been given.... They are to teach the word of God to people and by no means be negligent and lukewarm in spreading these divine teachings. And the time will soon come when the desire for the pure word of God will awaken among men, and every stirring of the human heart will be taken into account.... it shall be fed with gifts from heaven, whoever desires them, and no one who desires shall be ignored when the word of God is proclaimed. You will hear the words of the lord calling you to diligent activity for Him, and if you submit to the divine will with a believing heart, your heart will also urge you to do what you should do. The lord will not leave you in doubt, rather He will send you His grace so that your heart will not be in doubt but you will clearly and unambiguously regocnize the will of the divine lord. And then you should unwaveringly follow the path which is shown to you by the father, for you will be on the right track if you only ever abandon yourself to divine guidance. And now hear the words from above: Take care that you do not lose yourself in overly anxious thoughts, for this is a sign of too weak faith and hinders you in many ways. Seek to nurture complete trust in yourself and only allow the father in heaven Himself to rule, then every doubt or anxious thought will stay away from you and you will attain complete strength of faith in the shortest possible time. Only heartfelt prayer for strength will help you to receive an extraordinary gift of grace, and this in turn should first and foremost apply to your still weak faith, and thus every doubting thought will also be banished from your heart, and you will visibly regocnize the divine love which guides you with extraordinary care, and you will serve this divine love with joy and devotion for all eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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