1141 Path to truth.... spiritual influence.... thought - radiance....

October 19, 1939: Book 20

The path to truth should be travelled by all, for only in this way will you attain the right knowledge. Anyone who, with firm trust in God, addresses the question to the knowing powers, his thoughts will also be guided to the right knowledge.... However, anyone who speculates, moves this and that thought and rejects it again, does not have faith in God, and so his thinking is not clear and certain, but confused and changing. For thoughts are only spiritual transmissions of those beings which influence you, and that spiritual power gains control over you to which you hand yourselves over. Your turning to God demonstrates your will to hand yourselves over to divine influence, yet anyone who rejects God or pays no attention to Him attracts the opposing forces himself and gives himself over to their control. And so all thinking of a deeply believing person who devotes himself to God can only move within the truth, since the divine forces impart purest truth to him, and thus the human being himself is the originator of both right and wrong thinking. He himself determines the degree of truth in which he intends to walk. The many different opinions among mankind are all due to the fact that the attitude towards God.... faith.... is shaped in very different ways. The more superficial the relationship to God and the shallower the faith, the more people distance themselves from the pure truth.... Whereas faith, which becomes ever deeper and firmer, also leads people to ever deeper knowledge. And this is why all intellectual knowledge is of no use to a person if he does not simultaneously regocnize his origin and end in the eternal deity.... so that the deep belief is rooted in him that he, as a creature of God, stands in a certain relationship to Him and that this relationship also requires a certain behaviour towards the deity during his time on earth. Only the believing human being turns to God for enlightenment in all questions which occupy him, and therefore only the believing human being can be granted the right answer and the truth can therefore be conveyed to him most clearly. Everything that is perfect is in the closest union with God and therefore cannot radiate anything other than that which is willed by God. And every thought is the emanation of divine beings which the human being on earth can receive and also reject.... However, the willing human being who is turned towards God will accept it, for he regocnizes the truth of what is imparted to him since his will desires the truth and thus receives it. And he will always reject what wants to be imparted to him from an unfair spiritual side, for it is the spirit from God which works in him.... And this spirit knows how to distinguish truth from lies.... It resists the lie and therefore rejects every wrong thought, for it is the emanation of divinity itself and can never fall under the spell of the lie, yet it will always profess the truth, which is equally divine after all and is therefore regocnized by the divine spirit in the human being, because the human being consciously makes contact with eternal truth through faith in God. This process explains in an understandable way when the human being has taken the path to truth and when pure truth is guaranteed to him....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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