
1597 Various revelations.... Where is the truth....

September 4, 1940: Book 25

Once a person recognises the truth, he will always do what is right, for his spirit will guide him correctly. The human being's thoughts may occasionally move into areas which have not yet been presented to his knowledge, but then the human being will not persist in his opinion either, instead he will have the feeling of not yet being able to provide information, and will be cautious with his assertions. However, in order to spread error, his will is too inclined towards the truth, and this will protects him from erroneous speech. A question may remain unsolved but it will soon find its solution through the divine spirit, which is now active by correctly guiding the human being's thinking and suddenly giving him the power of realisation to perceive the answer he has received as truth, and he can now also defend it. The divine spirit does not allow the thinking of the truth-seeker to stray onto the wrong track in matters of dispute. And consequently, what people receive mentally can be expressed with complete conviction, for truth is conveyed to those seeking truth in the form of thoughts, and consequently every thought is correct as long as only God is invoked as the Eternal Truth if the human being is in doubt of his own accord. And that is enough for you to know that the truth will always be where the spirit of God can be effective, and the spirit of God can only proclaim one truth; consequently, conflicting teachings must originate from different sources.... It must be examined purely objectively which results agree with the pure, unadulterated teaching of Christ.... Only these guarantee complete truthfulness.... However, where divine power, even though it was desired, encountered resistance in the form of existing teachings which stood in opposition to the pure doctrine of Christ, man himself erected a barrier to divine activity, and forces of the opposing power sought to strengthen precisely these erroneous teachings, by tying in with the will of the human being, who does not want to depart from the falsified teaching, and by influencing the human being wrongly, which, however, is only possible with people to whom the teaching they were previously commanded is more important than God Himself.... Anyone who trustingly hands himself over to God alone must carry the truth in his spirit, and if God's revelations are conveyed to his fellow human beings unadulterated, they must correspond in every detail; for God, as the Eternal Truth, only ever gives His children the same truth, and deviating results are the product of the one who fights against the truth.... For the adversary will always take care to spread error, he will leave no stone unturned to disguise the clear truth, and he succeeds best where he has already done the groundwork, which has met with approval. There he is willingly listened to. People, however, who have never paid attention to his work but see their teacher in God alone can only ever receive the purest truth, for they receive it from God's hand because they ask God Himself for enlightenment in heartfelt prayer, and thus the spirit from God can work within them directly.... Amen

Translated by Sven Immecke