1591 Spiritual turning point.... Fight against Christ....
August 31, 1940: Book 25
The age of spiritual decay has to give way to an age of spiritual renaissance, and humanity is now facing a spiritual turning point. Although it is not willing to consider this time to have come, all signs are already being prepared that indicate a new era. A battle against everything spiritual will start first, and the result of the battle will be that man shall deal more closely with problems which until then did not particularly affect him. As soon as one wants to take something from man, only then will it be noticed, and on that occasion, there will also be a fight for its possession. And so, the battle against Christ and His teaching shall now also take on forms that humanity does not consider possible. And two parties will be formed that fight against each other. One will want to destroy everything that bears witness to Jesus Christ, but will meet with fierce resistance from the few faithful followers of the Lord. These...., which are outnumbered, shall unite and work in the spirit of God to bear witness to all of humanity of the power of the Word that is now to be dismissed. And the people who seek the truth will sensitively confess to those who carry Jesus Christ in their hearts, and the battle shall also be decided on that side and lead to victory. It is an unusual time which precedes the spiritual turning point, it is a time of struggle, hardship and despondency, and yet strength will come to all those who recognise God's love and wisdom, and this strength shall express itself such that they will not fear for their own lives as well as for the lives of their loved ones, and so, these will proclaim God's omnipotence, and anyone who opens his eyes, ears and heart shall already be spiritually accepted into that world, and only await the hour which will bring a powerful (forcible?) separation from everything earthly. Yet thousands upon thousands are losing all connection with God because they are being ensnared by the opposing side and, since they lack power of realisation, thoughtlessly reject and accept everything taught by those who reject the divine voice. And it will be a long time before humanity realises the error of its thoughts and actions, which are directed against Christ. But whatever the world begins to shake the power of God, it shall still experience the spiritual ascent, but unfortunately only when the love? (power?) of God will express itself visibly through His servants on earth. Then, even those who previously denied Him will recognise Him, and a new time will dawn, a time of spiritual working on earth....
1592 Matter.... Service.... Abuse of free will....
Everything on earth has its purpose, and nothing has emerged from God without meaning or purpose; therefore, also the course of development of all spiritual substance must progress incessantly. The still will-less spiritual is seized by God's will, which requires (some) matter, and the spiritual therein is now forced to serve. So, the course of development is as it were inevitably secured. The spiritual must go the way determined for it, even if its will would like to direct itself against it. Thus, God mercifully takes care of all beings which emerged from Him and secures their higher development in order to be able to shorten the path to the state of free will, for the being would fail in this if the distance from God were even greater than it is now, due to the long course before during the embodiment as a human being. It would require far greater strength of will to defy all opposition, and the human being would hardly be able to muster this strength of resistance as his will to reject God would still be too great. Hence, the being must allow itself to be shaped according to God's will, and now serves in a state of compulsion, whereas the human being, in a certain freedom of will, must decide to serve in order to develop his soul higher. Only service brings final redemption, for through the human being's free will service is now a sign of love, and this must underlie every action. However, if matter is utilised by the human being...., that is, forced to serve.... and this serving action does not correspond to God's will, then the spiritual substance will indeed be redeemed, but the shackle from which the spiritual substance has escaped will envelop the human being's soul, who has initiated such an act against God's will, and it will be unimaginably burdened, and its own liberation will be jeopardised as a result. And so, the human being can misuse his free will and set matter tasks which completely contradict divine will, and the spiritual substance within matter has to comply with the human being, and serve him even though he demands the wrong things from the being. The adversary uses this means in order to subjugate both the human being himself as well as the spiritual within matter. The human being has to answer for it, but the spiritual withinin matter does not, since it is forced to do something that is wrong before God. For it cannot resist as long as it is still bound in form, and also does not have the power of realisation which is necessary to be able to be held responsible for its actions. However, this is inherent in the human being, for he will certainly be able to differentiate between good and evil, and if his behaviour now visibly corresponds to evil he is now abusing his free will. He does not redeem himself during his earthly existence but his state of soul remains a low one through his own fault.... Amen
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