1112 No event is futile.... errant views.... spiritual knowledge....

September 24, 1939: Book 20

Those who are in knowledge regocnize the divine power in everything that happens. They know that everything is first and foremost based on God's will, they also know that nothing happens without intention and that events fit together in such a way that they always serve the maturing of everything spiritual in creation. And this knowledge is of particular advantage when one counters the many false views that want to eliminate God's wisdom, love and omnipotence and describe this divine power as the mere effects of the forces of nature.... Nothing in the universe is unintentional, i.e. coincidence.... A certain purpose always underlies an event, but people usually do not regocnize this purpose.... On the other hand, since a little attention to all natural events reveals a certain plannedness and therefore a wise creator must undeniably be regocnized, every event must also correspond to the counsel of eternal wisdom and therefore have its origin in it, and something well-considered in the divine plan cannot therefore be criticized or even denied from the human side. But it cannot be made comprehensible to humanity that God's will sometimes expresses itself where, according to human judgement, violent intervention is inappropriate.... For it does not realize that the spiritual state of man requires many things that are difficult to explain to the rational thinker, and that therefore people must also be affected who are pure and flawless in the eyes of the world but very flawed before God. And for the sake of these great upheavals are being prepared in world affairs, for the sake of these the earth will still see much suffering, however, no suffering is without intention of the divine lord, and also for the sake of these an unmistakable judgement will have to come from above, so that these only will be saved, because the world does not look as the father in heaven does, it judges blindly according to appearances, it knows nothing about the necessity of all divine intervention but only sees the suffering that comes upon humanity, and only he who is in knowledge knows that only love and mercy causes the father in heaven to do everything and that this is necessary for the sake of the souls....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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