1161 Happenings.... frenzy of joy.... tragedy....

November 5, 1939: Book 20

He who created heaven and earth is unsurpassable in His wisdom. He directs all His creations in unchanging lawfulness, and in wise foresight of the will of men He considered the time to have come when His perfection of power will express itself in a visible way, recognizable in His very works of creation. Without any specific time beforehand it will happen that the earth will be afflicted by immense eruptions, and the lord will visibly guide His creatures devoted to Him into the sphere of this event at that time.... He will set a limit so that those who make His will their own will will be spared, He will prove to all of them the greatness of His love that He protects them from severe suffering. He will repeatedly make them understand that they are under His care and can feel safe if only they trust Him. And countless people will obviously be heading for their downfall if they do not follow the inner voice which will clearly warn them to leave one place and turn to another. Those who follow the inner voice will also be spared, but those who want to hear the call of the world will follow it and the lord's warnings will be in vain.... The disaster will reach them and shake their conscience with all its might even in the last hour. Man will hear the voice but will not heed it.... He will follow the lure of the world.... he will perish in a frenzy of joy and experience an end of horror.... He has lost all connection to God, and if he is in the greatest danger and still does not find his way to Him, he is lost for eternity.... The enjoyment of life will be longed for and spiritual death will be the result. He who avoids the world will escape disaster, and he who takes refuge in God will be visibly protected. In greatest adversity and danger the lord lets the spiritual beings effectively rule and these command the elements of nature where a child faithfully calls to the father.... This child will find help in the greatest need and will be miraculously saved, for all good spiritual beings stand by those who remember the father and hand themselves over to Him. Yet there are truly not many.... Mankind persists in the greatest defence, it does not want to bow down to the highest power, it blasphemes to the end when it regocnizes its powerlessness. And the spirit of the antichrist will be clearly recognizable. They will mock those who call upon the lord God and thus place themselves in the power of the one to whom they had already fallen before. And the world will experience a spectacle of immense tragedy, and only the believing person will regocnize that the lord wants to make Himself clearly known and bring salvation to those who plead for His mercy. And the whole world will take part in this event, and it will be up to each person to regocnize the working of a higher power in it or not. For the working of the eternal deity will always be expressed such that it will not restrict the freedom of human will, for no event shall force the human being to believe in God, however, through God's love faith shall be made easily acceptable to him, and therefore the lord is preparing this event, which is unimaginable in its extent and effects....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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