1535 Submission of the will to the divine will....
July 23, 1940: Book 25
Anyone who submits himself to the divine will need not fear that he will not fulfil divine requirements. For he has already given up his former resistance, he has entrusted himself to the Power Which created him and will now also be lovingly cared for by that Power, so that a relapse need no longer be feared, for divine will shall be transferred to such an earthly child and it will now think, act and want in accordance with this divine will. The desire to find God's approval for everything he does now, protects him from sin.... because sin is everything that goes against God's will.... Sin is everything that the adversary puts into a person. But a person, who consciously surrenders his will to God, has escaped the adversary's influence, and will only ever do what is pleasing to God. And therefore, the surrender of a person's own will is his first task. If he returns his will to his divine Creator, if he voluntarily places himself under His spell, that is, if he puts the divine will before all his actions and thoughts, then he must absolutely carry out what is of God's will. He can now never act on his own authority but expects God's guidance, and thus constantly subordinates himself to His will. The human being will now feel this in his heart, he will feel urged to do and refrain from doing anything, and if he now gives in to this urge of the heart he will always fulfil divine will, he will walk his earthly path clearly and determinedly, he will not be anxious and despondent but always resolutely and courageously carry out everything his heart dictates to him. And this voice of the heart is the divine voice. The human being, who longs for God, will also always surrender his own will, because he no longer exalts himself but in all humility recognises his distance from God, and now desires nothing more than to reduce this distance, and now wants to do everything that corresponds to divine will. And if the human being wants what God wants, he becomes free. He now inevitably has to take the right path, for God Himself shows it to him, and he will not oppose it. And now, divine grace can come to him, he will recognise God's love in everything and want to gain this love, show himself worthy of it and make an effort to live in a way that is pleasing to God. For he wants to get to God, and this will also earns him the Heavenly Father's love and grace, and His constant care for the soul's higher development....
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