1143 The power of love....

October 20, 1939: Book 20

The power of love must overcome everything, it must educate man to gentleness and patience, it must be able to suffer and sacrifice itself for its fellow human being. And so man may only practice love and he will triumph over all adversities of life. And in this realization the following proclamation will also be understandable to you.... For the time of his earthly existence, the human being remains dependent on how he dedicates his life to love. Accordingly, he will find himself close to God or also separated from Him, and it will likewise be up to him how he utilizes this life.... He can prioritize self-love and then do nothing for his higher development.... But he can also put love for God as his first principle and redeem himself in a shorter time. For to work in love means to unite with God, Who is love Itself.... You should therefore by no means look for the eternal deity where love is not cultivated.... You must not believe that you can reach God without being truly active in love, nor must you assume that your mission on earth is fulfilled when earthly life has passed you by without all love.... If you want to receive from God you also have to give, you have to carry out works of love for your fellow human beings in a true, unselfish way, then you may also receive what God has intended for you and you will experience the power and strength of His love in yourselves. Divine love is the most beautiful and marvellous thing that can be bestowed upon you, and this love embraces you with all power if you likewise give love to those who need your love. The person who is always lovingly active will only pay little attention to himself, but the well-being of his fellow human being will always be close to his heart and he will not be able to do enough works of neighbourly love. For he will then also instinctively feel that he is thereby drawing ever closer to the eternal Godhead and that his way of life is leading him to the deity. He therefore regocnizes his own light and comes into the circuit of this light, i.e. from now on his way of life will be under the influence of this divine love.... He will want to serve God and do everything in his power to prove himself worthy of divine love.... He will practice all virtues and strive for perfection.... for he longs for the love of God.... God's love is the true life, the life in eternity, the concept of bliss, and this love is shared by all His creatures, and therefore each creature must also feel love for the other in the same way, because divine love is the origin of all these creatures. Anyone who therefore endeavours to do good to his fellow human being fulfils the first divine commandment, and the father in heaven can approach him and likewise bestow upon him what for him is the epitome of bliss.... He can be with His child in all works of active neighbourly love and therefore make it unspeakably happy, which gives love to all those who are in need of loving help....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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