
1007 Proof of what man believes....

July 15, 1939: Book 19

The worldly mind is not enough to provide complete proof of what your heart tells you to believe. The voice of the heart announces the fullest truth to the person who respects it.... But where the intellect is consulted, which considers all pros and cons, the voice of the heart is not heeded, and now a clear solution is not found through sharp, rational thinking, but so many contradictions will arise and confuse human thinking, which must be the inevitable consequence because man lacks faith.... For he who believes does not ponder.... he who trusts the divine word, which is expressed through the voice of the heart, his heart knows no doubts and does not question and enquire about things which his intellect can never fathom, but he accepts what is offered to him in the form of spiritual gifts, tangible in his heart, without doubt.... For who on earth would want to be able to provide proof to the contrary by virtue of all intellectual thinking.... even the wisest researchers cannot substantiate their research as soon as it concerns processes outside of earthly life. Nor will they succeed in proving that what man believes about God, His creation and God's direct and indirect influence on humanity is error. The more seriously the believer deals with such problems, the more he penetrates them.... On the other hand, man's thinking becomes more and more confused the more his intellect alone is active in solving such a problem. As a result, many different views arise.... while those willing to believe will always find themselves in the same truth, as only this one truth is conveyed through the voice of the heart. Those who seek God through faith will also find Him, but those who seek Him by way of the intellect are still so far from Him, for these are mere worldlings who pay no attention to their spirit, and the light of truth does not shine for them, but darkness, the night of the spirit, surrounds them, and thus he who remains in darkness cannot speak of light.... nor can he describe the light-filled path if he has not travelled it himself. And therefore the worldly researcher cannot give enlightenment in an area which he does not know, and even less can he deny something for which full knowledge of it is a prerequisite. And therefore it is not up to the earthly researcher to transfer the results to the spiritual realm and thus destroy childlike faith with them.... For the lord reserves divine wisdom for those who approach Him in humble childlike faith....


Translated by Doris Boekers