1076 Father's heritage.... kingdom of God.... childship to God....

August 30, 1939: Book 20

Do not forget that you are God's creatures and that as such you have the right to take up your father's inheritance, which is the eternal kingdom that the father has prepared for you. But if you want to claim the rights of a child for yourselves, you must also identify yourselves as His children and thus testify that you are perfect, just as your father in heaven is perfect. Yet the father will not consider an unrighteous child in the same way, for it does not profess to belong to God but has handed itself over to another power.... it has consciously become the successor of the one who brought lies and deceit, falsehood and deceitfulness into the world. And so its legacy will one day be eternal darkness and ruin.... But whoever proves himself worthy of being a child of God will one day have a glorious fate, for the father in heaven promises eternal bliss.... He will fetch them home to the father's house and grant them unbounded, undreamt-of delights, He will let them participate in His work and endeavours.... And these glories are prepared for all His creatures, and it pities Him if one of His children forgets this bliss, if it is to lose it forever. And therefore He tries to wrest every soul from the adversary, yet this soul does not regocnize the father's infinite love.... and it forfeits the childship to God.... Yet everything that is begotten through His love follows the same path.... the being has the same goal in mind, the same power is at its disposal and the divine will guides every creature and shows it the right path. But where the will of man is stronger resp. opposes the divine will, there the earth being no longer feels the love of the father, and the separation becomes more and more pronounced.... The God of love sees the love of the earthly child grow cold more and more, and thus the being distances itself from God instead of coming closer to Him. It closes its eyes and ears to the whisperings of the beings wanting to help it, and thus such a being's childship to God looks very inadequate; all the glories of the world beyond can be presented to it, it does not respect them and most definitely rejects the soul's survival after death. For it does not regocnize its origin, it does not regocnize itself as a creature of God and will therefore never ever consciously strive for childship to God unless extraordinary evidence of divine activity makes it realize its error. And for the sake of this the lord shakes the earth, for the sake of this His mighty call resounds through all the world. And thereby He wants to break the power of the adversary anew by giving people a weapon with which the adversary is to be put to flight.... Only the will has to decide in complete freedom whether the human being regocnizes himself as God's creature and thus wants to take the path to Him or remain in weakness of spirit and completely disregard the striving for childship to God.... Yet he was given the intellect to regocnize correctly, and God always provides the means to make it easy for people on earth to regocnize....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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