
1536 Act of liberation....

July 24, 1940: Book 25

The act of liberation from matter means an indescribable relief for the being, for it is now in no way hindered and no longer restricted in time and space. Although it must now remain within the boundaries of the sphere which is now its abode in accordance with its state of maturity, it can work in it at will, it is subject to no constraint, and will only ever live by his urge for activity, which is extraordinarily virtous. There are no inhibitions or oppressive moments that could burden the being, but everything around it is light and clear and free. The state of such a being is therefore extremely blissful, for everything that could impair the feeling of happiness is far removed from it, it has been transported into the realm of former times, it only touches the being in memory and does not cloud the light-filled state in the slightest. The unspeakable suffering that the imperfect beings still have to bear triggers only the most heartfelt love in the beings of light, and the urge to help them, but it is no longer perceived as suffering.

To be released from matter is therefore a complete liberation from suffering and all torment that a still imperfect, bound being must bear. Therefore, the act of liberation is immensely blissful for the being. It is, as it were, the step out of the realm of the imperfect into the realm of the perfect. They are two worlds that are completely separate from each other and yet are closely connected, because all the inhabitants of one world should one day belong to the other world, and because the only endeavour of the former should be to leave it and join the inhabitants of the other world. For only this second world offers the glories of God, only a completely liberated being can behold them in all their splendour, and only a perfected being is able to absorb the infinite beauties within itself.... whereas everything that is bound is incapable of beholding such glories, for matter which still surrounds it, obscures the power of realisation and the spiritual vision. Through its covering, the soul is incapable of recognising what is happiness-inducing to such an extent, that such happiness can only be endured by a being which has become free. Accordingly, an imperfect being cannot gain insight into God's splendours unjustifiably, for it would never be able to grasp and feel whether it would also be placed into the midst of these splendours.... nor would it be able to endure the abundance of light and consequently would have to perish in it.... Amen

Translated by Sven Immecke