1001 Subordinating the will.... insight into the home of the spirit....

July 9, 1939: Book 19

The eternal deity demands your will and the use of all your strength.... you are therefore only allowed to relinquish your will but in return receive immeasurable divine strength, and the meaning and purpose of your earthly life is completely fulfilled. For if you submit your will to the lord, He will now guide you as it serves you and give you the strength to be able to fulfil all requirements. All responsibility is then taken from you, for you have willingly handed it over to the lord, you are in full possession of divine strength.... It will therefore not be difficult for you to do what the lord asks of you through His commandments.... And thus you will fully prepare yourselves for life in eternity and will be able to leave earthly life in a perfect state, for then you will also have love.... since the subordination of one's own will to the divine will is conditional in love for God. However, where a person lacks love for God, he will not submit himself joyfully but rebel and want to act contrary to divine will. As a child of God, however, the feeling of love for the father must outweigh everything else and the will to serve Him and keep His commandments must be born out of such love.... Perishable goods must be sacrificed to Him, while spiritual riches must be pursued with all fervour, always thinking only of the soul and not of the body. And then the father in heaven will fetch His child home because it has fulfilled its mission on earth.... And now the father wants to announce to you how the spirit that is in you endeavours to detach your soul from matter.... He wants to let you gain insight into the realm that is its true home, which is only permitted to the soul when it has united itself with the spirit from God. Full of harmony and yet varied appear to the observer the regions which grant the stay of the soul united with the spirit. For such a soul can no longer be touched by anything imperfect, nor can it be disturbed figuratively, for where the light shines, all impurity is far away, and a soul that has become one with its spirit stands in the light. As soon as the soul has escaped the earth or its body, all heaviness, all burden of the earth is taken from it, it sees everything in radiant light from that hour on and is no longer touched by the heaviness that affects people. And an indescribable feeling of bliss informs it of the divine saviour's nearness, and the longing for Him is so immeasurably great that the lord satisfies this longing, which arises from love for Him, with His presence and this is the epitome of all bliss for His creature, which only now becomes what it was from the beginning.... a part of the eternal deity and thus divine power of love.... This strength communicates itself again to the beings whom the blissful being of light wants to assist, for it now has to give in the same measure as it receives, and that state is unspeakably blissful, and everything that presents itself to the spiritual eye of the being of light is of such incomparable beauty.... and the being rejoices in its freedom and remembers with horror the shackle in earthly life which held it in bondage for a long time. Now that the soul has succeeded in uniting with the spirit, everything heavy and burdensome is left far behind, and only now does the soul realize how necessary the conscious striving for this union was and how oppressive the bound state was for the spirit. And now it endeavours with greatest zeal to release other souls from their captivity, and for its part it now does everything in order to enlighten and help them and is indescribably busy and active when it is necessary to facilitate their path upwards, so that one day these souls, too, will become free and can enter the kingdom of peace....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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