1555 Reflecting on what has been received....
August 6, 1940: Book 25
Spiritual property....
That is why the intellect was given to you in order to recognise the purpose of life and your destiny. And if you now pray for enlightenment you will never be able to receive anything other but the truth, only the will to stand in truth makes you capable of receiving it. If you now receive divine gifts and want to make them your spiritual property intellectually, you have to think through what you have received carefully, and thus utilise the abilities given to you by the Creator, and then consider the pros and cons of everything that has been imparted to you until you can wholeheartedly endorse what you have been offered, that is, until the truthfulness of it is beyond doubt. And what you now recognise as truth yourselves you will easily be able to pass on to your fellow human beings. Then there can be no question of thoughtlessly accepting what is offered, for the human being would not be able to pass something on which he had not previously made his spiritual property; and the human being can only make spiritual property of what he...., although received with his heart...., has first processed with his intellect, otherwise it would not stick to him and thus it would also be impossible to pass it on. The will to serve Him.... is sufficient to receive or write down what God has imparted, but to spread the divine gift it is sufficient to think through what has been received intellectually. If the recipient now also wants to be active in teaching, he must inevitably first make everything he has received his spiritual property; he must therefore never be satisfied with what he has received, for this only becomes of value when it gains life through reflection on it, when it in turn stimulates life, i.e. when everything that requires activity is put into practice. Every teaching is without life as long as it is only on paper; only once it is grasped by the heart and processed by the mind is it alive, i.e. it now stimulates an activity that corresponds to what has been absorbed. What God offers the human being on earth will always serve the soul's perfection, since the sole purpose of earthly life is higher development. Therefore, everything offered will always stimulate the human being's free will, but not force it. ‘You can do it if you want to....’ Every person should bear these words in mind. He must therefore do something himself.... he must declare himself willing to accept the divine gift of grace by focussing his thoughts on it, and only then will he truly receive the hallmark of divine love, only then will his heart and mind process what he has received, and only then will he be able to call a spiritual treasure his own....
1556 Love and suffering for fellow human beings....
Man should love and suffer so that he becomes free of every bondage. For love redeems him, and in suffering man finds God. He therefore frees himself from the dark power and consciously unites himself with God, so that he bears all suffering for the Lord. Jesus Christ took all suffering and all guilt of sin on His shoulders, and thereby restored freedom of spirit to mankind. If man now does the same, if he also takes the suffering of his fellow human being upon himself in love or helps him to bear it, the state of suffering is lifted and thus man is placed in a certain freedom, for he will now be able to do as he pleases. Every state of compulsion is associated with inhibitions which impair every activity.... The free state, on the other hand, is exhilarating since there are no limits to the urge to be active. And therefore one should endeavour to put oneself in this free state, to redeem oneself through love, by steering the suffering of their fellow human beings and helping to bear it. Love and suffering are epitomised by Jesus' suffering and death on the cross. Only His great love was able to take upon itself the guilt of sin with full awareness, only love willingly took upon itself the suffering of mankind. For the Saviour's love was immense.... mankind needed the divine Redeemer, which is why He took on flesh and blood in order to work in a recognised way among His own. He knew about people's bound state and tried to help them by suffering for them, and trying to guide them towards Himself in His infinite love. He brought them spiritual freedom through His death on the cross, and thus He redeemed them from the bound state, which had previously been the fate of those who had endeavoured to live a well-behaved life but were too weak to be able to escape the power of the adversary. And the Lord considered them in His love, and died the most bitter death on the cross for them in order to give them back their freedom, by suffering for humanity. And so, those who remember the suffering of their fellow human beings with love, and willingly and devotedly take this suffering upon themselves will likewise participate in the work of redemption in order to relieve what is destined to bear great suffering. Always respecting your neighbour with love and trying to alleviate his suffering will result in the greatest reward, the divine work of redemption will be continued as it were, for the hour has not yet come which sets a limit for the human being.... he can still work without any bondage, both love as well as grace has still been placed into his heart by God or made accessible to him, so that he can therefore be lovingly active, and divine grace also lets him get to know the suffering which spurs his will to be helpfully active....
1557 The right goal.... Self-determination of the being....
The starting point of everything that exists is God.... and God must also be the goal of everything that exists.... If the being chooses a different goal from God, namely the opposite pole of God, then this will be its downfall, it will be its spiritual downfall, although time and again the being is offered the opportunity to take the right path which leads towards the right goal. But then there are endless times of torment and bondage between those possibilities which can bring about the state of final redemption. It is by no means an act of violence whereby the being is reunited with God as its Creator, but the being itself has the right of determination over itself and can pursue the goal it favours.... It is not forced but only ever mentally influenced, and this simultaneously by good and evil spiritual beings, so that it is now faced with the decision as to which influence it wants to surrender itself to. And thus its own will is decisive. If one's own will is weakened then there is the greatest danger that the right goal is not striven for but that the being again and again distances itself from God. Consequently, the evil forces have gained the upper hand, alienated the being from God and turned it towards themselves. The being itself cannot be absolved of guilt because it did not avail itself of the power that would have made resistance easy for it. It did not call upon the strength that was at its disposal, and thus it succumbed. And it was sufficiently instructed by the Word of God that it should use the strength from God for its final redemption but disregarded this Word, and thus it is not free from guilt. The being must also contribute to its own redemption by surrendering its own will and submitting itself to God as its Creator. For if it does so, then it gives its consent for God to take care of it and help it to fulfil its final task on earth. Without surrendering its own will it would be a certain compulsion from God if He were to lead the being towards its final goal. In order to become perfect it is necessary to subordinate one's own will to the divine will, for only then can God express Himself and visibly guide the being, for it then wants what is right and leads to God....
1558 Connection from heaven to earth....
United work will bring about great success. And thus heaven and earth, the beyond and this world unite in order to serve God, and to create a work which shall endure beyond human memory. And what comes into being through the coaction of power in this world and the herafter is from God and bears witness to God, and therefore it is imperishable because what is from God cannot pass away. Everything that serves God receives the power from God and must now also work in the divine will. And God's will is to instruct everything that has emerged from Him in the truth, and every means He uses must therefore inevitably lead to the truth. Truth, however, is imperishable and unchanging, thus always and forever the same. And the being who is willingly ignorant will always be seized by the serving bering who is knowing..... The knowing being will always lovingly accept the ignorant one, and thus spread the truth in accordance with God's will. And if heaven and earth unite, that is, if the ignorant earthly child willingly listens to the whisperings of the knowing beings from the kingdom of light, truth will be distributed without measure, and this must remain forever, since it is spiritual strength, thus the emanation of divine love. And the whole world could stand in knowledge and in truth if only they were willing.... But where the human being's will turns away, the divine strength cannot work, and cannot express itself either. It is imperative that the heart is open to the spiritual influx, and this also requires the human being's will to accept the truth. The endeavour of the beings in the beyond is immense, and all their love applies to the earthly children whose state is still without light...., that is, who lack the will. Once a bridge has been built from the kingdom of light to earth through an earthly child who wants to serve God it is now considerably easier to inform the ignorant of the untiring activity of those beings of light, and once this knowledge is there the beings can also work by building on the existing knowledge and mentally providing clarification, as long as it is desired. This desire need not always be a conscious one.... The human being can also unconsciously ask questions, thus outwardly reject them, and yet inwardly long for truth and then be seized by those distributing the truth. And it is tremendously valuable that a person is offered a stimulus at all which causes him to think or ask questions about unsolved spiritual problems. For such people can only be influenced if they open their heart to thoughtful questions, and thus allow the answer to enter. The beings of light give undaunted and unrestrictedly, but only when the gift is requested, consciously or unconsciously. Silent questioning in thought is an unconscious request for knowledge, but prayer is a conscious desire for truth. The conscious desire requires deep faith, the unconscious desire will mostly come from an unbelieving heart on the part of people who want to know but cannot believe what they are taught about it by fellow human beings. It is easy for the believer to ask for enlightenment from the highest Being Which can give it to him..... The unbeliever, however, is completely isolated in the face of great darkness, everything is mysterious to him and yet he, too, can receive enlightenment if his thoughts remain focused on questions concerning eternity. However, the bridge from earth to the beyond is something that is incomprehensible to most people. It is ignored even when obvious results have provided proof of such a connection, for people do not want to accept anything which could lift the veil which is spread over life after death. If people wanted to see, the veil would fall from their eyes, but they prefer the mysterious, they shy away from the light and feel more comfortable in the darkness of the spirit. And if people do not desire enlightenment, they cannot receive it. Hence every opportunity is utilised to make people ponder, for only then can the activity of the perfected beings of light begin by trying to answer all questions raised, providing the human being is willing to think through the received answer imparted to him by his heart.... For the will for truth is the first condition for it to be conveyed to him, and everything will appear more easily acceptable to a willing person, because he receives divine strength as long as he seeks the truth....
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