1163 Flight of the spirit.... spheres of the spirit.... home....

November 6, 1939: Book 20

In an incredibly short time a person achieves the ability to send his spirit upwards at any time, if only he consciously strives for this and spares no effort and perseverance. He must first overcome his body and its desires so that the body is never an obstacle to this endeavour.... the spirit's flight of fancy must often be realized.... it must not encounter any resistance in the form of external distractions that repeatedly hold it back on earth. This requires a certain amount of self-conquest, a disregard for everything physical and an upward swing of all thoughts to the heights. The detachment from earth will always take some effort and will have to be practiced constantly, for the heaviness of earth still holds the human being too tightly in its grip, yet the deeper love for God fills the heart, the more longingly the spirit strives towards Him and the easier the detachment from earth will be able to take place, for again it is love for the world which has to be overcome.... and again love for God which brings fulfilment.... Giving the one means receiving the other, but both cannot be practiced at the same time. One will always have to be neglected at the expense of the other. And so man seeks to rid himself of love for the world, so that love for God may bring him the union of the spirit within him with the spirit of God.... To consciously raise himself into those spheres where all good spiritual power works is of incalculable value, man does not regocnize this in its full meaning, however, success will confirm to him the truth of these words, because man becomes knowing, and that without any earthly help.... He draws from a source which is not visible to his fellow human being and therefore incomprehensible. Yet the refreshing potion is offered to him and he can now visibly prove what he has received spiritually to people, he can pass the potion on and those who desire it may also savour it.... The earthly child has, as it were, received spiritual strength because it consciously turned upwards. It has returned from those spheres with rich gifts and informs its fellow human beings of what has been offered to it. And if he allows the spiritually received gifts to affect him with an open eye and heart, he will also feel the strength and regocnize the origin of these gifts. The human being receives the gift he requests.... If his spirit is willing to take the path to the heights, he will also be rewarded accordingly from on high. The eternal deity Himself will share all strength with him and send His spirit towards the child so that it may instruct it and form and increase its knowledge, for now the child is ready for divine teachings and divine wisdom, its heart and intellect will also be able to receive what is offered, for everything emanates from God, intellect and thinking ability, and if the lord deems His living creations worthy He will consider them such that they will be able to correctly grasp everything that is imparted to them.... The will to reach upwards will lead them to deepest knowledge.... For God considers those who willingly detach themselves from earth and regocnize their true home in the spheres of the spirit....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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