
1138 Union with God....

October 15, 1939: Book 20

Only in union with God does a correctly lived earthly existence find its conclusion according to divine will, for this union is the original state of all spirituality which allows the being to remain in greatest strength and splendour from then on. To be united with God means to be able to work in equal strength and power in complete harmony with divine will.... It also means to be in contact with all beings and to be able to let divine power flow to them again and thus to create, to enliven what has been created and to stimulate it to activity. The child will have the same rights as the father, for as a true child of its father it is also entitled to take over the father's inheritance, and thus all power is at its disposal if it needs it. And the union with God again requires a certain maturity of soul, which only a few people on earth have already reached.... however, this is not because God has set people a goal that is too high and difficult to achieve, but solely because people are not concerned enough with this goal. God does not demand more from man than he can achieve.... And every human being can easily fulfil the divine will because divine grace is also bestowed upon him, which inevitably leads him upwards. Union with God is so extremely important and earthly life should only be dedicated to achieving this goal.... And thus, if the lord God makes such a demand it can be seen that He wants His children back and that He has therefore given them all the same task, that He, in order to be able to offer them something extraordinarily glorious, wants them to be in a state which entitles and enables them to accept what He has offered. What God wants to give to His children is so incomparably marvellous that only a God-like being can bear it, and again the union with the father is only then possible when the child has become like Him, i.e. has completely absorbed His will and thus has completely given itself to the father in heaven. Only then does the child stand in the light, and it has become perfect, just as the father in heaven is perfect. It has completely merged with the elemental force, it is no longer separated from its creator and producer but has become completely one with Him.... it has found union with the supreme God-being and now works entirely in His will because it is eternally united with Him....


Translated by Doris Boekers