
1547 Bread of heaven....

August 1, 1940: Book 25

This is the bread of life which the Lord Himself offers you in His love. This love prepares food for your soul which provides it with everything it needs for its earthly life. And whoever eats of this bread will live for eternity.... With loving care the Lord of Heaven and Earth remembers the time that follows earthly life, and for the sake of this time He sends the bread of heaven to people so that the soul can eat it, and gain strength in order to overcome the last obstacles. For life after death is still a divine mystery to the human being's senses.... He cannot yet realise what tasks await him, and the knowledge of this must first be imparted to him before he can fulfil this task. But the knowledge of this is the nourishment of the soul, the knowledge of this is the bread of heaven, and the knowledge of this is also the strength to be able to fulfil the preconditions in order to be admitted to this task one day. And everything spiritual longs for nourishment from above in order to be increased within itself through the spiritual supply. And when the human being is in spiritual experience, this food from heaven is the only desirable thing for him; he receives according to his desire and has no restrictions to fear. And yet the human being will constantly have to struggle against the power that tries to weaken the desire in him, for this is the greatest danger. The human being will be given what he desires but without desire such a gift cannot be given to him, and therefore the one who wants to receive has to be careful to fuel the inner desire, he has to keep the marvellous goal in mind which requires great strength from him to achieve, and then desire this strength for the sake of this high goal. Furthermore, he has to ask God for His support so that he will not succumb to the opposing power, for the latter works mightily in order to weaken the human being's will. But once the bread of heaven has been consciously received, the divine will becomes so strong that the power of the adversary is ineffective, for God blesses the bread of heaven with His power, and the adversary is powerless against it. And this should be an incentive for you humans to desire the food of heaven with all your heart, as it gives you the strength to resist, increased desire and a rich knowledge of the divine activity and rule in His creation. It facilitates the ascent to the heights, which cannot be conquered without the supply of strength from God. Desire nothing more than this food and savour it at all times, then you will go strengthened through earthly life, you will increase in wisdom, love will become strong in you, for what is offered to you out of love must awaken love in you again, and thus bear a thousandfold fruit, for anyone who is allowed to receive the bread of heaven from God's hands will also want to pass it on, and thus love will increase.... Every person will be urged to pass on the delicious things he receives himself, and this urge comes from the love that wants to be active. And thus everything that is born of love will awaken love again; the strength from God will be transferred and passed on to all those who desire the bread of heaven, who are allowed to receive it, and distribute it again to their fellow human being.... For what emanates from God will never dry up, but will always and constantly remain a source of refreshment and refreshment for every thirsty traveller....


Translated by Sven Immecke