5476 Awakening to life.... Duration of time.... A thousand years are like one day....

August 31, 1952: Book 60

I want that you all become happy.... that you find your way out of the state of death to eternal life. I want it and I shall also achieve it, for My love is your guarantee for this, which applies to you for all eternity.... Yet you, too, must do your part, you must want to live, you must not feel comfortable in the state of death or you will be unable to escape it. Therefore you yourselves determine the duration of the state in which you still dwell, the state of lifelessness, although you still possess earthly life. But your spirit is dead and I want to awaken it to life so that you will be eternally happy. I promise you eternal life but I do not determine your will.... And therefore you can live but also reject My offer. As long as you oppose Me with your will you therefore cannot be happy either, and therefore My love is always intent on changing your will, on guiding your thoughts such that you recognise the state you are in and voluntarily change it. And this can only be achieved by providing you with the truth, which you can still reject but which can also make you reflect, which already signifies a gain. And therefore I shall never cease to give people the truth, I shall constantly give what can bring you humans spiritual advantage, for even if the greatest number of people still reject My gift there are always a few who will accept it and to whom I can give eternal life again.... But for Me there is no time, for Me a thousand years are like one day.... and what I do not achieve on this earth shall be brought about by a new period of redemption, to change the will of the one who is still opposed to Me until he longs for My love and strives towards Me of his own accord.... For I will not rest until even the last spiritual being, which once originated from Me, has found its way back to Me. My will is unchangeable, My love shall never cease and My wisdom and might shall create all possibilities for the return of the spiritual substance. But its will is determined by time.... It can remain distant from Me for endless times and thus be doomed to spiritual death for endless times, but once it will awaken to life.... Once it will know and recognise Me as God and Father from eternity, and then it will also make use of every opportunity to reach Me, and then it will live an eternal life in bliss....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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