5337 Fight for truth.... light....

March 16, 1952: Book 59

My pure truth also has to find its way into human hearts, for it still finds resistance everywhere where people are satisfied with spiritual knowledge of little value. There the entrance to human hearts is still blocked and the path must first be cleared. But pure truth has the characteristic that it is superior to error in strength, that it becomes victorious when man seriously weighs truth and error against each other. But if the human being does not have the will to do so, then even the most delicious things cannot be brought to him, then he cannot be helped spiritually either, then his path does not lead upwards but remains flat in the best case, if it does not lead into the abyss. The term 'truth' is taken far too lightly.... People are content with a knowledge or a belief that does not correspond to the truth and do nothing themselves to come into possession of the truth. They are indolent, and this is because they want to acknowledge the earthly world as truth, because they regard earthly life as an end in itself and because the pure truth would prove their previous wrong thinking to them. They don't want to hear the truth because it impairs their desire for the enjoyment of life, because it makes them responsible for only earthly thinking, because the truth demands something of them which they don't want to achieve.... And all these are resistances which oppose the pure truth but which have to be removed by the human being's will itself. And moving this will to do so can only be achieved through advice and warnings by eloquent representatives of truth, and I, as the eternal truth, will support every such effort and bestow the gift of oratory upon My representatives on earth who seriously stand up for Me and My kingdom and for the pure truth. Where My blessing and My strength are involved, success is also certain.... where I Myself can speak through the mouth of a servant on earth, there the words will also ignite, stimulate thought and finally be recognized as pure truth, which is why I repeatedly call out to My servants on earth: Don't get tired of proclaiming the truth, carry My word out into the world, spread the truth and speak where you are offered the opportunity, for spiritual progress also depends on the acceptance of truth, and never can a person on earth reach his aim who takes a wrong path, who is misguided by error and lies and does not accept what I Myself want to convey to him through My servants. The last aim of a person on earth wants to be Me Myself.... But how else can you reach Me, Who am the eternal truth, if not through the truth? How can I let Myself be found by those who accepted My adversary's spiritual knowledge and don't want to exchange it for the pure truth? The truth is light, but you can never reach the light if you reject the truth, and you can never be blissfully happy in darkness.... And because I see spiritual darkness on earth, I want to kindle light everywhere so that people will find the right path to Me.... But the lights are where I can guide the pure truth to earth, because I find willing, truth-desiring people to whom I can impart the truth, which they can then pass on so that the great spiritual hardship (darkness) will be reduced, for you humans will never feel happy in the darkness of spirit. Therefore, accept the light, open yourselves to the truth which originates from Me and thus come closer to Me, the eternal truth, Who can give you light without measure if you desire it yourselves.... For light alone is bliss, light is truth, I Myself am light from eternity to eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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