
5494 I am always close to you, so you call upon Me....

September 25, 1952: Book 60

I Am always close to you so you call upon Me. There is no separation between Me and you if you abolish it yourselves by turning your thoughts to Me, by speaking to Me, be it in love or also in adversity. Every thought draws Me to you and your will holds on to Me as long as you devote yourselves to Me. At times you may well let Me wait longer until a call from you reaches Me; but I will never let you wait, for My love for you is powerful and will always unite with you if you turn to Me. But in My love I Am always willing to give, for through My gifts I want to keep you permanently bound to Me. This is why My gifts have to become indispensable to you, and I achieve this by letting you feel their effect so that you will never want to do without them again. But first you have to desire My gifts, because otherwise you cannot feel any effect. But you will only desire something you lack, but only if you suffer from the lack.... And thus, only the states of adversity can be explained which are intended to make you aware of this very lack so that you want to remedy it and ask Me for the gift of what you lack. I want to give, to constantly hand out, because I possess everything and can bestow unmeasured treasures.... For I Am driven by love to give you what you lack. Yet, My wisdom imposes a restriction on My love, for even giving can be detrimental if it would prevent you humans from your upward development. You cannot receive more than you are willing to utilise.... This is why you have to desire in order to be able to receive unmeasured.... My gifts to you therefore only depend on your will, and I will never deny Myself if you desire gifts of love from Me. I Am always close to you when your thoughts seek Me, when you enter into dialogue with Me, when you merely willingly strive towards Me, then I Am with you.... Therefore you should never doubt My will to help, you should never be weak in faith; you should not call to Me fearfully or timidly but always be certain that I Am only waiting for your call in order to be able to approach you, in order to hand out the abundance of My love in order to make you happy, to strengthen and to perfect you.... For everything I give you contributes towards your perfection if only you use it correctly, if you desire it, because you feel that you need it.... I know your weakness, I know what you are lacking, and I want to give to you with full hands.... Accept it if it is offered to you or ask for it, for you cannot do without My gifts of love if you want to become blessed, if you want to attain the perfection which will let you dwell in My presence forever but which you can never attain in a state of lack of strength and light.... Therefore, always desire light and strength and make contact with Me, the Eternal Source of Light and Strength, seek Me and allow yourselves to be drawn by Me and My love.... Desire Me Myself and I will give Myself to you, because I have loved you from the beginning and will love you forever....


Translated by Sven Immecke