5472 Explanation of cases of possession....

August 26, 1952: Book 60

I always want to instruct My children correctly and give them knowledge, and it is My will that they also instruct those who are ignorant: It is a great danger for people if they do not turn to Me in cases of earthly adversity but want to overcome their adversity with their own strength and dogged defiance and then succeed.... But then it was not their own strength but their attitude, the unconscious inner rejection of Me Myself, which allowed the forces of darkness to supply them with strength from below and thus also to seize the human being's soul in order to gain more and more influence. The human being need not be outwardly recognisable as bad, yet in pride and arrogance and in earthly wealth the signs are recognisable that the power from below has taken possession of him. Omissions of good deeds without self-interest, insensitivity towards the hardship of fellow human beings and excessive hedonism only ever reveal the worldly person who has no bond with Me but who cannot be proven to have openly violated the law either.... He stands upright and righteous before his fellow human beings but his soul is without love and without faith in Me. And his end is not a happy one, the earth keeps him bound, he still desires its goods in the beyond because he has nothing else and his worldly greed was great.... This human being was thus bound by dark forces and yet they did not succeed in making his soul so submissive that he committed downright evil deeds. Although they prevented him from reaching Me, they had not yet completely taken possession of him.... And therefore they now try to continue their endeavours where similar dispositions, similar thinking and weak will can be recognised, which is most likely to be found among the earthly descendants, and this can be successful for many generations, but thinking turned towards Me can also weaken their (his) effect or make it completely impossible. Those people can also only be oppressed temporarily but then so strongly that one could speak of it as case of possession. These forces rage particularly badly when they recognise their lack of success, when people repeatedly strive towards Me in their thinking and willing. And this can be possible as long as the soul of the former has not yet found redemption, as long as it allows these forces to take up residence in that which originates from it through its own wrong will and desire. People themselves could indeed liberate themselves through heartfelt prayer to Me, through a living bond and profound faith.... Yet they lack this and reject My Gifts of Strength, influenced by those forces which fiercely wrestle for souls. But as soon as the soul is redeemed in the beyond, the power of the dark force is also broken. And this is why I especially encourage you to help those souls because they are too weak on their own.... Pray that they will know about Me and My love, that they will call upon Me for help and this will be granted to them, and at the same time the souls on earth which are under the influence of the forces which were once granted power over a person who did not call upon Me for help but drew strength from My adversary in order to master earthly life will also find deliverance.


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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