5455 God's Will.... God's Permission....

August 3, 1952: Book 60

As the Lord of heaven and earth, as Lord of the blissful spiritual kingdom and also of the deepest darkness, I truly have the power to release and bind, that is, to set all imprisoned free and to prevent My opposing forces from utilising their strength if it is not according to My will. And yet I withdraw My will as far as possible because I want to leave all beings, whether good or evil, to their own devices, because I want them to freely determine their own state as independent beings, because I want them to become perfect one day. Therefore I often allow what does not correspond to My will, yet only ever for the purpose that the being itself recognises the wrongness of its thoughts and actions and changes its nature of its own accord.

Yet if I want everything has to obey Me and even the darkest powers will then be unable to offer Me any resistance. And I would also be able to prove this power of Mine to people on earth, yet I Am far more interested in My living creations' love than in its fear, which would certainly also result in obedience but which is no joy for Me.... I want to gain My living creations' love, and even the beings from the deepest darkness shall feel My rays of love from time to time so that they will voluntarily turn to Me again. And therefore I do not always let MyPower become effective, even if the actions of people and also of the spiritual beings in darkness often require My Power to intervene.... But I weaken the effect of My adversary's excessively great misconduct, that is, I leave My living creations the freedom to think and act according to their will, even if what they do is often bad or beyond worse.... But I protect those who are targeted by evil people’s attacks by weakening the effect or turning it into the opposite.... in that, for example, what a person earthly inflicts on his fellow human being with evil intent serves him for the salvation of his soul. Then the human being has seemingly achieved what he intended, to harm his fellow human being in some way, yet the soul of the harmed perosn can derive a benefit from it which amply outweighs the earthly damage.... And yet I have not prevented the former from realising his intention.... I could well do so but I do not, because only in this way can the being itself come to the realisation of its sinfulness. And yet, nothing happens in the entire universe without My Knowledge.... And this should always give you humans the certainty that nothing will come upon you except what I Myself recognise as good for you. In this respect even the evil forces serve Me, for they, too, do not carry out anything that I would not know.... And they cannot harm you humans as long as you are in contact with Me, but they can gain control over you if you detach yourselves from Me through unbelief and unkindness.... Then My adversary will indeed have control over you, yet I will also allow this because I don't want to force you to turn to Me but the voluntary return has to take place, which can still be postponed indefinitely because this is your free will. Hence you should never blame the evil forces, if you have fallen prey to them.... They cannot force you, just as I do not force you to follow Me, nor will they be prevented by Me in their activity unless you stretch out your hands longingly towards Me in a case of danger from their side.... Then My help is assured to you, as truly as I Am Lord over heaven and earth, over the blissful spiritual kingdom and also over the kingdom of darkness.... Whoever calls upon Me I will deliver from their hands and he will never again need to fear the forces which want to destroy him....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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