5509 The Father's love for His children....

October 16, 1952: Book 60

Anyone who is devoted to Me with love can calmly walk his path on earth, he will not go astray, for his love draws Me to him and he truly has the right companion on all his paths. Thus, I require love for Me in order to be able to be a faithful and right guide for him. And love for Me is expressed in his thoughts, which reveal his attitude towards Me. Love for Me can be recognised where the will is willing to serve Me and to live according to My will. His innermost will, the direction his free will takes, is always recognised by Me and My love, which is truly always willing to give, flows to the person in accordance with this will. This is why you humans only sin when you consciously oppose Me, when you do wrong which you have recognised as wrong. But as long as you are willing not to grieve Me by rebelling against Me, as long as you are prepared to put My will before everything you think and do, I will also look upon you with eyes of love and you will be able to walk in peace. It is up to you what measure of love you show Me; but My love and care, of which you can now be completely certain so you love Me, corresponds to this measure.... But the expression of My love is My Word, My speech, which you hear if you listen to Me in the silence of your heart with the will to hear Me.... I can only assure you time and again, that My love would like to prepare bliss for you, if only you were able to endure it. I can only tell you time and again, that you would perish if My love wanted to seize you with all the fervour I have to give.... Yet I only give you as much as you are able to accept without perishing. Nevertheless, I will always remain the unattainable holiest Being for you, Which would certainly like to give you all Its glories but Which Itself cannot be recognised in Its glory, in Its unfathomable nature, nor can it be reached and Which nevertheless, in Its infinite love, draws even the least to Itself in order to make it eternally blissful. The love which unites Me with you, My living creations, is immense.... And this love elevates you, if you allow it yourselves, to become divine beings.... which again is only conditional upon your love, given to Me of your own free will.... My love will always apply to you and you can feel it at any time if you voluntarily give yourselves to Me.... But then it will take hold of you and never let go of you.... it will draw you up to the highest height, and you will always feel My love above you, you will always strive towards Me, and find your bliss in constant desire for Me and My love through constant fulfilment....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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