
5475 Help of men in the beatification of the creatures....

August 30, 1952: Book 60

I Am close to all of you who ardently long for Me, My flow of grace flows to all of you, I seize you all with My love and I truly give you the bread of heaven for the right strengthening of your soul. I Am in and with you.... You are all My children because you call out to the Father in childlike prayer, because you speak to Him in your distress and implore His grace. And just as you entrust your heart to Me I shall also take you into My heart, of this you can all be certain if you believe in Me and seek contact with Me. But not everyone comes to Me in this way and that is because they lack faith in a God of Love, in a Father Who longs for His children. And My longing for these apostate children of Mine is so great that I constantly endeavour to win them back, for My love cannot change forever and it applies to everything I have created. But you have emerged from the same Love and must therefore feel closely connected to those who are far away from Me. You are more likely to have access to them because they see you where they cannot see Me....

Do you now realise that I place My hope in you, that you help Me to win those children for Me? I Am not allowed to prove Myself to them as existing in any way, I have to step back until they have gained faith in Me.... But you are allowed to come forward at any time, you can contact them at any time and try to lead them to faith by sharing your inner experiences with them, by trying to convey to them what you have already received from Me.... I Am certainly always with you and also in the midst of those who do not want to recognise Me as Father and God.... yet their hearts are still closed and thus I can only be present outside of them but never within them and therefore cannot influence them as I would like to do out of My love. I have been struggling for souls for endless times and My love has not yet diminished and shall not cease forever, for I cannot help but encompass everything with My love because I Myself Am Love. And therefore it makes Me happy to always give, bestow, liberate and redeem.... I constantly seek to bestow happiness and shall never stop bringing help to the bound until it will once allow itself to be rescued of its own free will.... I Am a Being Which can only ever be blissful because nothing exists which could dominate Me or impair My working.... My ultimate goal for what I have created is bliss, and My perpetual activity to achieve this goal is also bliss.... for I clearly foresee that I shall reach My goal, and since I cannot rest there shall also never be a standstill insofar as that My activity would remain unsuccessful.... which is indeed perceived so by you humans because you do not know My eternal plan of Salvation. Yet nothing shall disappoint Me because I know everything and because every event already determines the next one. Yet I always allow everything created by Me to participate in the process which is intended to bring back what was lost to Me. Thus you humans in an elevated state of maturity are also active co-helpers for Me and your bliss is also dependent on this. You, too, live not only for yourselves but for those creatures which are to be redeemed through you.... However, since you have already found Me yourselves, it is your own inner urge to also show others the path to Me, to lead them to Me and to rejoice with Me in the happiness of those who were previously unhappy. It is a work of merciful love that you do for them, and it is a work of heartfelt filial love that you do for Me.... that you bring Me children who were lost and whom I long for. Everyone who feels called to do so has made a covenant with Me and I will bless him for it. You are all My children and you are in My favour, and if you commend yourselves to Me I shall watch over you and not let you go astray.... The world may well judge but I never judge eternally, only that which resists Me judges itself because it cannot be touched by My ray of love and is therefore unhappy.... Yet even this unhappy one will one day become blessed, for My love shall not allow anything to be lost forever....


Translated by Sven Immecke