5422 Vineyard work more important than earthly activity....
June 27, 1952: Book 60
Nothing shall prevent you from working for Me if you have offered yourselves to Me for service. Once you have been accepted by Me, your service will also be assigned to you, you will be given tasks which you are to fulfil and, as My servants, you will now have to do the right work, you will have to work diligently for the redemption of erring souls which are in great need and constantly require help. You must prioritise this work for Me and My kingdom over every other activity and I will bless your will to serve. You can certainly also fulfil your earthly duty and I Myself will help you if only you always put the spiritual work first, because it is far more important and, since it has to be carried out voluntarily, not many people will be found who want to do it. What you do for Me and My kingdom will never harm you earthly, for I will make sure that your work is blessed, that you also accomplish what is necessary for you earthly, that you can also fulfil the demands which are made of you earthly. Yet do not value earthly life too highly.... Be loyal servants to Me, who always want to fulfil their Lord's will and who therefore can also have a beneficial effect amongst their fellow human beings. Let this be your constant concern that your fellow human beings need your help and that you can give it to them if only you constantly follow My Words which motivate you to instruct your fellow human beings, to point them towards the end, to convey My teaching of love to them.... You can help them as soon as you try to remedy their spiritual adversity, as soon as you try to persuade them to believe, as soon as you convey My Word to them, which can save them from all adversity.... And let this work always be the most urgent for you, which you should accomplish first, then your earthly work will also be blessed, for I alone can give and take, and I will always be a good Father to My servants Who will sustain them and help them in spiritual and earthly adversity....
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