5408 God's infinite love, patience and mercy....
June 9, 1952: Book 60
I do not measure with the same yardstick as you humans, for I Am extremely loving, patient and merciful.... Therefore, I cannot eternally condemn what has become rebellious towards Me, even though the sin of rebellion against Me is exceedingly difficult and because I Am Eternal Love Itself and only want to provide My living creations with bliss upon bliss. A rebellion against love, however, is at the same time a rejection of love (a denial?) and therefore also a loss of light and strength.... The being was perfect at the moment of sin and was therefore also able to assess the magnitude of the sin, yet when it had sinned it was devoid of all realisation, and this weak, blind and therefore suffering being took pity on Me, and therefore I cannot cast it out forever.... I love it, although it has fallen, although it had sinned against me. My justice indeed demands an atonement, a compensation for every sin, and this is done by the spiritual being in the bound state, where it has to accept unspeakable suffering through the banishment, which is an agony for the once free spiritual being and at the same time is meant to lead it back to Me, that is, to the once free state where it can be blissfully happy. But My love, patience and mercy is boundless and helps all spirits to ascend through means which, measured against the great guilt, are gifts of grace because they facilitate the path to ascent for the spiritual substance, which in itself lacks strength and knowledge, and make its upward development possible.... The great guilt of sin results in complete blindness and only My immense gift of grace enables the being to change. Nevertheless, the being is not forced to ascend, only strengthened; it can just as well reject My gift of grace as soon as it is to develop upwards as a human being on earth of its own free will. Where you would condemn people I still let My love and grace prevail, I endure the faults and weaknesses of My children on earth with immense patience, and time and again I pick up those who fall because I take pity on the state they are in and because I want to rescue them from the abyss towards which they repeatedly strive. I do not force them but I use all means which favour a return to Me, no matter how sinful a person is.... My love tries to persuade him to return and to change his mind.... for I want to win him for eternity.... And I also reach My goal, even if eternities pass over it.... For My wisdom time and again finds ways and means to reduce even the strongest resistance until the being lets itself be seized by My love in free will.... until it reciprocates My love and returns to Me forever....
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