5483 Bread and wine.... Right food, right drink....

September 9, 1952: Book 60

An infinitely beneficial effect emanates from the food which the heavenly Father offers you directly in order to strengthen your souls, to provide healing for sick souls, to make you all strong and resilient in the final battle on this earth. His Sanctified Word strikes your ear and touches your heart, His Sanctified Word resounds in its purity and truthfulness and sets the soul into vibrations which are directed upwards to the Father.... His Sanctified Word lures those who are far away, the despondent and mourners find rest in hope, the sick find healing for their souls, His Word emanates a power that proves its origin. He offers you the bread of heaven and blesses you who believingly receive it.... He breaks the bread for you and distributes it, He gives you the wine, the power of His Word.... You are in truth His guests to whom He offers communion if you receive His living Word from on high, open your hearts and allow it to have an effect on you. This bread from heaven is noble, and therefore it must not be mixed with inferior additions, it must remain pure, just as it came from God. And then it can also be recognised as His Word because its effect is obvious. For it brings about a change, the power of the Word is active, and where a power is active a change of that which is touched by the power is always recognisable. Now where a heart is touched by the divine Word an effect must take place on the human being's soul, if it is ill it must recover, and if it is healthy it must become strong and receptive for the divine light of love, for the wisdom from God.... or also.... an unbelieving person.... whose soul is ill.... must become a believer when the strength of the divine Word touches him, which amounts to a complete transformation, and if the person is a believer.... therefore does not need healing.... the strength of the bread of heaven must work in such a way that he comes to realise that the divine knowledge now fills him, which in turn is to be regarded as an effect of strength.... Such an effect can only be expected from the pure food of heaven, from the bread of life, from the Word which comes from the sanctified mouth of God and is conveyed to earth in its purest form in order to achieve precisely this effect.... God has not arbitrarily labelled His heavenly food with bread and wine, because only strong food and strong drink help the soul to recover and strengthen. Everything else that the soul receives will not fulfil the purpose that the bread of heaven is supposed to fulfil. It may also appear to be food, but it does not have the slightest restorative effect and therefore only delays the soul's recovery or disguises its state of illness. Much can be offered to the soul and yet it is not the right food and the right drink, and the soul itself will not feel satiated and strengthened either, it will not have a firm, convinced faith and will also not have the right realisation until it receives the pure, unadulterated Word of God, which can have such an effect on the soul that it recognises it as the right bread from heaven and now only desires this food, which is certainly given to it through messengers but nevertheless by God Himself, so that the ill soul may recover and now live eternally....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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