5501 Divine qualities in man.... Proof through Jesus Christ....
October 6, 1952: Book 60
Hidden powers rest within you which you only needed to bring to light in order to be able to create and work in an unusual way. You are of divine origin but you no longer know anything about it, you gave up all your divine attributes when you fell away from Me in time immemorial. But your original nature is divine and only needs to emerge again, which alone is given into your power and into your will. Your will remains free, and it can mean both abundance of strength as well as lack of strength for you, for your will determines your attitude towards Me, and thus also towards the love within you. Love releases all bound forces in you; love lets all divine attributes in you emerge again; love is strength and light in itself; and therefore, all lack of strength and all darkness will depart from you humans, and you will be able to work with strength and wisdom. There are limits to the human being's ability as long as he is only what he was at the beginning of his earthly existence.... a being closely connected to matter, which is still completely in the darkness of spirit. His abilities can develop naturally, they can also become particularly prominent in connection with lower forces, if a person obviously surrenders to satanic influence.... But they can also take a striking upswing through connection with the good spiritual world, powers can unfold that far surpass human natural abilities. And yet it is particularly that state which would only be natural, because the primal abilities which characterize your own being, the divine origin, come to the fore.... Everything will then be possible for a human being, he can work beyond human strength, he can right everything that is wrong.... he can heal the sick, work miracles, speak in wisdom, he can look into the realm of spirits, connect with them in the most natural way, he can place himself wherever he wants at any time, he can see through people, past, present and future are visible to him.... he can do everything that is only possible for a God, for he is My child, he is a divine creature who harbors all abilities within himself.... And all these divine qualities lie buried in the human being. He torments himself and struggles during his earthly life, he is blind in spirit, he does not know what he is capable of with the right attitude towards Me, with a way of life in love.... The man Jesus has certainly shown mankind what a person is capable of, who brings love to its highest development within himself. Yet, how few take Him as an example, how few follow Him.... how few therefore transcend the boundaries of the natural and can work supernaturally in supreme bliss.... These powers lie dormant in all of you and want to be awakened; you can all unearth treasures that make you happy, you could all change the pitiful state of your human existence into a supernatural.... For you all could work and create like gods, if you only wanted to do one thing: to shape your heart into love.... For love is proof of God, love deifies everything, love is the strength which makes everything possible for you, which unites you with Me so that you can make use of My strength, for which nothing is impossible.... But without love you are bound, without love you are blind in spirit; thus, without love, you are without strength and light, and therefore ungodly. Yet you are beings in possession of free will, and therefore you yourselves determine your state, you yourselves decide to whom you turn: to the prince of darkness, who makes you wretched, or to Him from Whom you emerged in light and strength....
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