5462 Divine law: Serve in love....
August 16, 1952: Book 60
In heaven and on earth only one law applies.... to serve in love.... Serving love is infinitely blissful, it is a desire to please in an infinite variety of ways. Anyone who serves with love, be it on earth or in the spiritual kingdom, has reached a degree of maturity in which he realises that he is seized by God's love, and this blissful certainty stimulates him to ever more eager activity of love, and he now fulfils his actual purpose of his own accord because divine will now also fills him through the presence of God, which is the certain result of the working of love. Where the law of love is fulfilled, everything is also in divine order, for the law is based on love.... Disorder only occurs where there is a lack of love, because negative forces are at work where the divine power of love cannot take effect. However, decay, decline, destruction and chaos can also be recognised there. Love is therefore the sustaining, constructive, nurturing and organising force.... It can be absent or even reversed.... But then the creatures step out of order and are unhappy. And every unloving act destroys what love builds up, which is why you humans should be extremely careful if you don't want to weaken yourselves, if you don't want to deprive yourselves of the strength you have at your disposal if you live in love. Love is powerful and always has a positive effect, which is why it is also extremely soothing. Nevertheless, love can also seemingly inflict wounds, but eternal healing is then the goal and thus it nevertheless remains love.... And this is why Eternal Love sometimes resorts to means which appear unloving in order to ensure eternal healing for its creatures, which is why God's Plan of Salvation includes events which do not reveal God's love and yet are determined by His infinite love.... But where disorder has occurred, order must be restored, the principle of love must prevail in heaven and on earth if the creatures are to be granted a blessed fate. Everyone should serve and please each other, love should be the driving force behind all actions, then God, Who is present in every work of love, will always be present, and then disaster can never again occur but bliss and peace will reign where there is love....
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