
5817 Great spiritual need calls for busy vineyard work....

December 2, 1953: Book 63

The adversity of the time dictates that extremely eager work is done in My vineyard, because only through such can this adversity be controlled, because only then will the adversity be remedied if people succeed in winning people for My kingdom, if they pay little attention to the earthly kingdom and only ever try to reach Me. People no longer know much about Me and My kingdom, their ears certainly hear about it but their hearts know nothing and thus they often pass by where knowledge could be given to them, where My kingdom could be made so vivid to them that they would be inspired to seek it. And therefore only one thing is necessary, to present to people the knowledge that an everlasting kingdom awaits them after the death of their body and that this kingdom corresponds to their earthly way of life. People's attention must be drawn to their end, to death, which they cannot escape and which will approach them all extremely quickly; it must be explained to them that their existence does not end with the death of their body, that they cannot pass away even if they have discarded their earthly cover; It has to be made credible to them that there is death but not a complete passing away, and that death is a state of torment, of strengthlessness and lightlessness, but which the soul, because it is incorruptible, has to endure; but how, on the other hand, an exceedingly blissful state, an eternal life in beatitude, can also be granted to the soul if the human being creates and works on earth for life in eternity..... if he already strives for Me and My kingdom on earth and thus is also introduced by Me into that kingdom after his death, where there is only light and strength and bliss.... Diligent work still has to be done by My servants who only speak on My behalf and for Me, who are to tell ignorant people what they know, what knowledge I Myself have given them precisely for this work in My vineyard. The hardship is unspeakably great because people do not think about their actual purpose of earthly life, because they only live for this earthly world and because they are indifferent to everything that comes after their physical death. Their remorse is immeasurably deep when they realize in the kingdom of the beyond what they were able to achieve and did not achieve through their own fault. And therefore they shall be addressed and made aware of the great responsibility towards their souls, therefore My kingdom shall be presented to them; they shall not remain without knowledge of what is in store for them if they don't change, if they don't direct their senses spiritually but only live according to the world. They shall experience that this world will pass away with all its treasures and that everything their heart is attached to will be taken away from them.... but that which they have acquired in spiritual treasures will remain with them. For no one shall be able to say that he has remained unwarned and unadmonished. Each one shall be made aware of Me and My kingdom through My servants.... and blessed are those who hear and strive to attain My kingdom.... blessed are those who believe what is proclaimed to them.... For they shall live, though they suffer earthly death....


Translated by Doris Boekers