
5430 Pouring out of the spirit signifies spiritual help....

July 6, 1952: Book 60

Once My spirit pours out upon you it is always a sign of My love and grace, it is a sign of My willingness to help you in great spiritual adversity.... Mind you: out of spiritual adversity.... I have to tell you time and again that the spiritual hardship on earth causes Me to be extraordinarily active, for what I give to you will only ever be spiritual possessions, and spiritual possessions will only ever reduce spiritual hardship. Earthly hardship, however, shall serve to recognise spiritual hardship, and I will also remove earthly hardship when the time is right, when it has exerted a favourable influence on the human being's spiritual state; for I only allow earthly hardship to befall people so that they shall gain spiritual advantage from it.... But if I pour out My spirit upon a person I give spiritual help, I give realisation and strength.... certainly also realisation of the cause of his earthly adversity, which the person can then also remedy with My support by fatefully providing him with help, thus he is effectively active himself to become master of the earthly adversity. Thus you have to differentiate between an answer to prayer.... after an appeal for help sent to Me in earthly adversity, which will then be granted to him in a seemingly not unusual way.... and the help offered to the human being in the form of spiritual possessions which give him the strength to master every difficult situation in life through the right spiritual attitude towards Me, where the help is thus to be found in the fact that the human being enters into the right order of his own accord, and then the earthly adversity is effectively eliminated by himself.... The outpouring of My spirit always signifies the enlightenment of the spirit, and thus the human being can now recognise the cause of earthly adversity and control it, but the outpouring of the spirit should never be understood as purely earthly instruction, earthly admonitions and advice, which an enlightened person can indeed give of his own accord but which may never be presented as God's Word, as having been received from the spirit of God. The Spirit of God only gives spiritual goods.... My spirit speaks to a person's soul through the spiritual spark in him, it tries to instruct him spiritually and move him to re-enter My eternal order. It influences the soul spiritually and, so to speak, creates the state which then automatically eliminates all earthly adversity. But without the human being's will to establish order My spirit shall never help him to put an end to earthly adversity.... for adversity is merely the means to make the human being realise that he is thinking wrongly and living a disorderly way of life, and thus the cause first has to be recognised, about which My spirit will enlighten the human being in order to then consciously strive for a change, for which I will always provide the human being with strength through My spirit....


Translated by Sven Immecke