5417 Presenting the Gospel to the poor souls....

June 21, 1952: Book 60

Present the Gospel to the poor souls in your thoughts.... You do not know how blessedly you can work on those who have imperfectly entered the kingdom of the beyond, for what they did not accept on earth has to be made accessible to them in the beyond so that they decide to accept it and can then progress in their development. They have to learn to believe, for without faith there is no progress in the beyond.... Yet whether they still know what they refused to believe depends on their degree of love, on the works of love which still ensure them some knowledge and realisation. Then it will also be easier to present the Gospel to them in such a way that they accept it and thereby come to believe in Jesus Christ, the divine Saviour. But it is far more difficult to impart the knowledge of truth to completely ignorant souls, for they have to be introduced to it from the very beginning, as it were, because they lack all fundamental truths, because they cannot remember anything they were told about God on earth. Their loveless way of life has robbed them of all memory of the divine teaching of love, of Christ's act of Salvation and of the human being's task, and therefore it has to be approached with utmost love, it has to be repeatedly emphasised to the souls that they can only become blessed if they believe in God, Who embodied Himself in Jesus Christ, Who died for people in order to redeem them from the bondage which was the result of sin.... They have to be told that only love will help them to believe, that they also have to help the suffering souls in the beyond, that they have to practise mercy and can call upon Jesus Christ for strength to do so, Who alone can liberate them from their wretched situation.... This is a labour of love for the poor souls which will be highly credited to you, for the hardship is great and only love can remedy it.... Therefore often remember your loved ones who have gone before you, help them by sending loving thoughts after them, by talking to them in thought and sharing with them what you know, you who truly believe in Jesus Christ and who thereby stand in the right realisation.... Give them the knowledge you receive from above and don't leave them in their adversity, they will thank you eternally and also help you if you are in earthly trouble.... For only love redeems, only love gives strength to souls which, being utterly powerless, are unable to help themselves and which are therefore dependent on your love, which you can give to them in the form of thoughtful instructions and heartfelt intercession, which will never remain without success....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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