5497 The path of redemption of the judged spiritual....

September 30, 1952: Book 60

The judged spiritual being is to be redeemed from its judgement.... Everything that is still bound, which has not yet reached the original state of freedom, is still in judgement, and it remains in it until the power of love bursts its fetters.... until it redeems itself or allows itself to be redeemed through love.... But if love liberates the spiritual being from a bondage, from a shackle, then this shackle must have been put on the spiritual being by something that opposes love, by hatred and unkindness.... thus by the one who is devoid of all love and therefore the adversary of God, Who is Eternal Love Himself. Once, a completely free spiritual being emerged from God, a being which was created in supreme perfection and possessed light and strength in abundance and was able to dispose of them in complete freedom. It had emerged from Eternal Love, and thus its original substance was love.... But love also guaranteed complete freedom, and freedom in turn had to be able to unfold in every direction.... A being which was able to think, want and act freely, also had to be able to distance itself from God, and it distanced itself from God by turning itself into the opposite, into a being which turned all divine attributes, which were positive, into the negative and thus became God's adversary. The reason for such a wrong will was to be found in arrogance, because the being felt overpowered by the unlimited receipt of strength from God. However, the being no longer used this strength according to the divine principle of love but in a God-opposing sense.... It created beings in great numbers, which it certainly externalised through its power and its freedom of will, but which no longer possessed freedom of will, since its will created them in a way that corresponded to its loveless thinking and willing.... The beings were in bondage to him and yet, because they had arisen from God by utilising the power, they were also God's creatures.... But God's love took care of these creatures. The beings which had been created without any love were permeated by the power of God's love.... Light and strength, i.e., knowledge and freedom, were given to the beings, but now the free decision of will was demanded of them, according to which they could remain in their free, light-filled state, but could also lose it.... (30.9.1952) The beings, which now turned towards God's adversary again in free will, also lost their knowing and their strength.... For now divine love could no longer flow through them because they rejected it, which means they openly resisted the strength from God. Consequently, they entered a state which could not be called free, for the power which was now at their disposal through God's adversary also had to be utilised by the beings according to his will, to act without love.... They were therefore in a certain judgement and subject to a power that only allowed its will to be valid and forced the beings to work in the same will. They were bound, albeit through their own fault, and therefore also had to endure the misery and torment of enslaved beings. But the love of God followed the lost ones.... The love of God devised a way out for the enslaved spiritual.... His might and strength was stronger than that of God's adversary, for where the latter acted with blind hatred and wrong thinking God worked with love and wisdom, and He devised a plan to return the spiritual beings which, although they were still under the adversary's control, were nevertheless wrested from his power insofar as that God shaped this spiritual beings into creations of various kinds, that His will of love seized the beings whose will was still turned towards the adversary but made their will unfree, i.e., that God prevented it from obeying His adversary, that God prevented him to be obedient to his adversary. He bound the will and determined the beings to do what God wanted.... The spiritual entered a state of compulsion, free will activity was impossible for it, but activity according to the adversary's will was also denied to the spiritual; on the other hand, in the state of compulsion it slowly developed upwards.... it was forced to carry out a constructive activity and thus place itself into the law of love of eternity, which always results in an upward development. Although it was now also still in judgement because it was deprived of its free will, it was always with the goal of the coming redemption from the bound state and from the power of the one who is without love. But the final goal can only be reached by receiving God's love. The spiritual must let itself be permeated by it without resistance, so that it, glowing with love, now recognises the divinity and longs for it and strives towards it with all its will and all its strength. Then the being is in a state of freedom again, it is no longer judged, through love it is full of strength and light, it is neither bound by God that it has to do His will, nor is it under the opponent's compulsion of will from God.... It can now use its own will, and as a result of love, which now completely fills the being, it will always be the same as God's will, so that it now completely moves in divine order, that it cannot want otherwise than according to divine order and uses the strength and the light for blissful activity for God and with God.... that it can now again participate in the redemption of the beings which are bound, that it turns its love towards that which is still judged and thus influences it such that it feels the desire for freedom within itself and then also lets up in its resistance against God.... Who responds to every such impulse by easing its state by loosening the fetters, by allowing the external form of the still bound spiritual to become ever softer and easier to dissolve, and thus repeatedly helps the bound being to regain freedom one day. Releasing and redeeming is the mission of every spiritual being, which already stands in the light, which is filled with love and therefore cannot help but to give love constantly, to bring help to the spiritual substance, which still suffers in bondage and can only reach bliss again when it is free, as it was in the beginning....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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