5421 The bridge from the kingdom of light is Jesus Christ....

June 26, 1952: Book 60

Let it be said to you in the name of the crucified Saviour that the kingdom of heaven opens to anyone who acknowledges Him as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, but that it remains closed to anyone who does not want to acknowledge Him.... You humans should know that before His crucifixion the two worlds were strictly separated, which are known as the kingdoms of light and darkness, that they were two completely different realms which had no connection with each other because they were completely opposed to each other. One explanation for this can be found in the created spiritual substance's complete turning away from God, which then gave rise to a world in God-opposing order, whereas the spiritual substance which stood by God remained in the divine order and thus also in a realm of perfection, light and unrestrained strength.... There could be no connection between these two worlds because the contrast was too great, because the distance from God had to have a negative effect in every way, it would be a striving towards opposite poles, so to speak, but one pole would never be striven for.... There was no connection whatsoever between the kingdom of light and that of darkness, which becomes even more understandable by the explanation that the ruling powers of both realms were completely opposed to each other and pursued completely opposite goals.... : highest perfection in freedom and light and power, and gagging of the spiritual destined for highest work.... Thus there was an unbridgeable gulf between these two worlds which could never have been bridged by the darkness but could have been bridged by the spiritual world which remained in divine order, whose inhabitants were cognisant and therefore also knew of the only possibility to build a bridge.... A being from the spiritual world had to venture into the dark spheres and from there initiate a path which could then be travelled by every being who wanted to enter the kingdom of light. This being which had descended from above had to establish the divine order by first living in this divine order itself and then informing the inhabitants of the dark world, the people on earth, of it so that they, too, inspired by His example, would lead a different way of life than before, so that they, too, would strive in the same direction as the man Jesus, Whose goal was in the heights, that is, the return into the kingdom which He had left for the sake of the people living in darkness.... The will upwards always finds the right path, but this will was lacking in people, it was directed downwards, for the activity of negative forces is always successful in the kingdom of darkness and these forces only pursue the one goal of depriving the being of all realisation in order to prevent it from returning to God. The being's will could put a stop to the prince of darkness and his activity, but it does not do so.... Man himself is so weak and exposed to every unfavourable influence without resistance.... Which is what the world of light knew about, and a primordially created spirit offered to oppose the evil influence of God's adversary with His will and His love.... Now two children of God, two images called into being by Himself, fought against each other, because they were no longer of the same will and love, otherwise they would not have faced each other as opponents.... Yet this battle had to take place in such a way that the being of light first donned the shell which robbed it of its divine strength.... It had to fight as a human being against the one who had caused all fallen spirits to turn into humans.... If He was stronger than the latter, then his power was also broken, then there was also hope for people to defeat God's adversary and then a path was paved which would lead back to the Father's house. The soul of the man Jesus, Whose body was indeed earthly, brought something from above and radiated it on earth.... divine power of love.... Love is not taken away from any being, it can be ignited at any time, but it can also be suffocated by one's own will.... And this love is the bridge to the kingdom of light, for love is directed upwards towards God, Who is eternal love Himself. Love always seeks the pole of love and is never active in opposition to God. Love moved a being of light to descend to earth and love remained in contact with eternal love.... And the bridge was established between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness through Jesus Christ. But it cannot be seen by the beings on the dark earth who do not make use of His guidance, who do not join Him in the belief that they have found the right guide to the kingdom of light, who do not reciprocate His love, who do not recognise in Him the Master Who defeated His adversary and who gratefully submit to Him in return, who do not see in Him the One Who is Lord over life and death, over light and darkness.... who do not acknowledge Him as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... The gulf between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness will irrevocably remain for anyone who does not take the path which Jesus Christ has opened up to him and which alone leads to the Father.... For he is still completely under the influence of God's adversary and will not be freed from him until he is willing to enter into the law of eternal order, until he gives up his resistance and allows himself to be redeemed by Jesus Christ, Who alone is the way to the Father.... Whose infinite love found a way that leads out of darkness to the light....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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