5484 Thoughts are connecting currents from the beyond and earth....

September 12, 1952: Book 60

The connection from earth to the spiritual world can exist at any time because thoughts can go back and forth, that is, because thoughts are basically the connecting rays which are sent out in the spiritual kingdom and can be picked up by people on earth and also sent back again in a different form. So the connection from above to below continues to exist and cannot be denied. Yet for the most part people are still unaware of these connections, for as long as they are not yet believers and have attained a certain realisation through love they are not yet aware of the connection between the spiritual and the earthly world. And therefore they are also unable to control which kingdom they are in contact with through their thoughts.... For the currents of thought they receive can come from the kingdom of light as well as from the kingdom of darkness, but human can determine them himself through his will. As soon as he is a believer he also desires light, his will is turned towards God as the Eternal Light and shall now also ensure him the supply from the kingdom of light. His thinking will be good, for he consciously receives good streams of thought, and he rejects what is brought to him from the realm of darkness. His will determines the heart to take in and pass on to the intellect that which is brought to him as a stream of thoughts from the kingdom of light. This explains the good, God-willed thinking which will inevitably be expressed by a person who lives in faith and love. The desire to serve God will now drive such a right-thinking person to communicate his realisations, his thoughts, to his fellow human being, to lead him, as it were, into the same thinking, because it makes him happy himself. And this will is pleasing to God.... And it will also always find support, for a right will is the first thing that enables people to reach the heights. Every good thought originates from God, as it were, it can never be dismissed as anti-divine, it is the strength emanating from God which is intercepted and passed on by beings of light until it touches the human being's heart and is accepted by him.... And such good thoughts will never fail to have an effect on fellow human beings who are of good will.... Nevertheless, there is a great difference between the thought material gained through intellectual activity...., thus the utilisation of spiritual power through the intellect.... and the direct transmission of spiritual thought material through God's great love.... (11.9.1952) The intellect stops its activity for the time of transmission, but instead the soul becomes active as a receiving device. The spiritual ear opens and the streams of thought from the spiritual realm pour out and are received. The radiations from the realm of light touch the spiritual ear, which directs the light to the soul, it feels addressed, it "receives", passes it on to the intellect, which receives it mechanically, sets the bodily organs into activity to hold on to it, and only afterwards deals with what it has received, that is, through its own reflection, through intellectual activity, allows it to become spiritual property. Receiving always presupposes a giver or transmitter, in contrast to self-production, to a result through one's own labour, in this case brisk intellectual activity. God Himself wants to give something that people do not possess and cannot create for themselves.... This is why He transmits His Word to earth and through the Word He gives knowledge which corresponds to the truth, which no human being could create by his own strength, which only needs to be accepted in order to be gained. God teaches the human being, the world of light teaches him.... but always through the spirit, which rests inactive in the human being himself until man’s will determines him to externalise himself.... until the spiritual kingdom is more important to him than the earthly kingdom.... until the human being enters into a bond with God and thereby finds access to the kingdom from which the truth comes to him.... (12.9.1952) But if God Himself teaches the human being, he will be given the truth as the right knowledge.... He is not required to do intellectual work but the thoughts arise from the heart which are awakened in the human being by the spirit.... which, because it is part of the Divine Father-Spirit, can only generate truthful thoughts which the ear of the soul hears and recognises, and it must therefore recognise them, because the human being is also given the ability to judge what is right and true. A person whose intellect is eagerly active through heartfelt prayer to God, asking for His enlightenment, can certainly also consider himself taught by God.... Then he believes that he has worked out the mental result himself, but it has nevertheless come to him through his spirit, but not in an unusual way.

But it is different when the truth is conveyed to earth by God, when God instructs a person through the inner Word.... Then he directly receives an extensive knowledge through literal transmission which he did not previously possess, which does not lie dormant in him as a subconscious and which he does not gain through mental labour.... And yet it comes from within, for it is the divine spirit within the human being which speaks to him, which imparts the knowledge to him such that it touches the soul as a spoken word, that it emerges in the heart as a thought which is not moulded by the human being according to his own will but which moulds itself into words of deepest meaning which the human being, as a willing recipient, writes down as heard....

This is an unusual process insofar as that no other source can be discovered than the human’s inner being; it is the living water which flows forth from the body of the one whom God Himself instructs through His spirit.... For the divine spirit is the original source which truly has an abundance of the water of life.... Yet humanity passes it by, only very few refresh themselves with the water of life, only very few people know about the pure truth from God and strengthen themselves with it and are thereby also in contact with the spiritual world, from which the light comes, the truth and the life....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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