5431 The power of the living Word....
July 2, 1952: Book 60
The living Word, the Word which is received in direct contact with Me, has a tremendous effect as a direct emanation, and therefore it is also perceived as extremely empowering where the will to hear Me Myself speak is present, so that the Word can make people believe where it is listened to without resistance. And this strength works in such a way that it touches the human heart and makes it soft and compliant.... The heart accepts what is offered to it and lets it have an effect on it.... For I Myself touch the heart with My Word. Believe it, I touch it, and it feels the benefit of My touch, and it gives itself to Me without resistance, yet only when the heart is willing to listen to Me, when it no longer puts up any resistance of its own against the light which is conveyed to it.... How unspeakably revitalising and awakening My Word can be in this case, it can give life to a still dead being, it can suddenly change the spirit's darkness into radiant light, it can give the being understanding for everything that was previously incomprehensible to it. And therefore a complete change can take place in the human heart through My Word, providing that the effectiveness of My Word is permitted through the will, that My emanation of love can affect the soul and it remains completely unresisting, thus it is effectively willing to allow itself to be moulded by My loving hand.... My Word can accomplish what a thousand human words are unable to do.... so that a veil is lifted from the being's eyes and it suddenly becomes enlightened, because it is My strength of love which now takes effect in him and this strength of love cannot be surpassed. Therefore, when I tell you humans that My Word is blessed with My strength, you should understand that it is a direct emanation of strength on My part and must always have its effect unless the human being himself cancels the effect through resistance, for only the human being's will determines its effectiveness, which is why, however, My Word will never lose its strength but will always have a revitalising effect as soon as the human being surrenders to it. If this Word of Mine is now brought to the souls in the beyond and they willingly allow it to have an effect on them, they can often find a sudden illumination of their spirit, they can feel extremely impressed as soon as they merely accept this Word in the will to be instructed or to receive an explanation about questions which occupy them. My Word makes a tremendous impression on all souls which desire it of their own free will. And therefore you humans cannot render a greater service of love to the souls in the beyond than that you convey My Word to them, which you have received from Me yourselves. The strength of My Word will be experienced by all souls who come to you in order to hear it.... I Myself speak to them through you, and if they are of good will they will recognise Me Myself and their ascent in the kingdom of the beyond is assured, for the strength of My Word will help them to ascend....
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