
5470 Guarantee of God's presence: works of love.... Acceptance of the Word....

August 24, 1952: Book 60

I Am always present to you as soon as you carry out a loving activity. And this shall also be your guarantee that you will then also think and speak correctly, because I Myself will not allow your mouth to utter error. Hence it is impossible for a good person, who always endeavours to fulfil My Commandment of Love, to think wrongly.... Yet it is quite possible that he was previously led into wrong knowledge and does not think about whether it is the truth...., that he therefore represents teachings as truth because the real truth has not yet been conveyed to him and he does not doubt it. But then all it takes is a nudge, an awakening of his intellect, and he will then be taught by the spirit within himself in a way which corresponds to the truth. I Myself also allow doubts to arise in people who are active in love in order to then be able to convey the truth to them through My Spirit. But emotionally the person will always come close to the truth because his loving activity guarantees it, because I Myself Am in him if he carries out works of love.... This is why you, My servants on earth, will rarely encounter resistance from loving people when proclaiming the pure Gospel, but you will experience great resistance where the person is without love.... And this goes without saying because I Myself Am Love and also the Truth.... My adversary, however, is of a dark spirit and devoid of all love and therefore the characteristics of the one who can work in people are quite obvious.... Therefore, without love, the truth can neither be recognised nor accepted, and therefore your first endeavour should be to convey the teaching of love to your fellow human beings, to make them aware of the effect of a life of love and the consequences of the opposite, for love is and remains the fundamental principle without which there can be no truth and no faith either. Knowing everything else is not as necessary as knowing that without love no-one can be saved. But as soon as a person lives in love, other knowledge is also made accessible to him and he realises the truth of it with a clear spirit because love within him is the key to wisdom. You can achieve everything as soon as you live in love.... You attract Me through every work of love and along with Me the truth at the same time, the knowledge of spiritual correlations, you are introduced to the deepest secrets and will also be able to understand them because your spirit is enlightened through love and brightly and clearly gives you information about everything that makes you happy and promotes your spiritual development. Therefore practise neighbourly love and thereby come close to Me Myself, and you shall truly feel My closeness in a blissful way, for I will give you everything you need and which will help you to become blissfully happy....


Translated by Sven Immecke