5468 Forces of heaven are unusually active.... Help through people....
August 22, 1952: Book 60
In times of deepest spiritual trouble all powers of heaven are active to help men on earth. Without such spiritual help they sink hopelessly into the abyss, without spiritual help the forces of darkness pull them down, for they are weak-willed on their own and do not fight for their spiritual life. The life of the soul is in danger and so help can only be brought to people spiritually. And therefore the beings of light try to intervene in people's thoughts and spur them on to fight against their spiritual downfall.... They try to influence the human being so that he will learn to recognise the world for what it is, that he will recognise its worthlessness and its transience.... Only then will the human being think about what exists beyond the earthly world, what will happen to him after the death of his body. Yet the beings of light do not often succeed in arousing such thoughts in people unless they are helped by a fellow human being who comes forward with such questions and thoughts where several are gathered.... unless areas are touched upon in the form of conversations which then give rise to questions and thus enable the light beings to enter people's thoughts. All forces of heaven are active and they truly work diligently on sick humanity as soon as their work is supported by a person on earth, but this can only happen when devout people turn their faith outwards so that it can be recognised by their fellow human beings. A deeply believing person cannot remain silent about his faith towards his fellow human beings, for it makes him happy and fills him with the desire to be able to give it to everyone. A person must first be imbued with it himself before he gives it away out of inner impulse. And therefore the beings of light will first express themselves where they recognise the willingness to be taught, and they will not miss such an opportunity because they can now impart to countless souls what they lack. For the open-minded person will not miss an opportunity to pass on what he has received and what makes him happy. The spiritual world is extremely active in the last days before the end, as it is at the same time also a counteracting of Satan, who unscrupulously tries to mislead people and is also supported by his servants. It is a battle that will not cease and will be particularly fierce in the last days. However, according to God's Will the beings of light appear in an unusual way, and where there is only the slightest possibility of achieving spiritual success He Himself will help, sometimes in an extraordinary way. It is a matter of snatching the soul from death, awakening it to life and keeping it alive.... And He blesses all those in heaven and on earth who are committed to it, who become active in order to save souls from eternal ruin, and because there is not much time left until the end He often helps where only a willing soul offers to be active for Him. Yet everything must take place within the framework of nature, the Law of Eternal Order must not be circumvented. But you humans need only want it and you will be helped, you will be able to escape Satan's power, for the beings of light are always ready and approach you with great love, likewise people on earth are also willing to participate in the redemption work and provide enlightenment where it is requested.... The end is near and with it the Last Judgment.... but God's Mercy will try to save first those who still walk in darkness, and His love and His Power are immense, and no-one need go astray.... yet He does not compel, for the human being's will is free....
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