5420 ‘My kingdom is not of this world....’
June 25, 1952: Book 60
My kingdom is not of this world, and if I have now called you to work for Me and My kingdom it is to be understood that you are to enlighten people about their actual earthly task, the fulfilment of which will not secure you the earthly kingdom but true life in the spiritual kingdom, in the kingdom where you can behold Me in all glory, in the kingdom where nothing will remind you of the earthly kingdom which you have left. Your work therefore consists of leading people to Me, Who does not have My kingdom on earth but in eternity.... It is work that not everyone can do because it first requires a detachment from the earthly world, which then results in a real striving towards the spiritual kingdom. Matter must have been overcome before the spiritual awakens in him the desire to consciously strive for it. Only then will the human being shape himself such that he will be suitable to work for Me and My kingdom, that he will thus be able to carry out true vineyard labour, to present the same goal to his fellow human beings regardless of his person and status, and to bring them so far through enlightenment about Me Myself that they will carry out the same in themselves.... which is again to detach themselves from the earthly world and take up the battle against matter. Vineyard labour, the work for Me and My kingdom, is simply the leading of people to faith in Me and My teaching preached on earth through Jesus Christ.... For this is the signpost to the goal.... to the entrance into My kingdom, which is not of this world.... And so every person is a servant in My vineyard who makes it his business to spread the pure teaching of Christ.... But mind you: the pure teaching of Christ.... For My kingdom can only be found through the truth, and only the pure teaching of Christ guarantees the truth. Many people can certainly have the will to lead their fellow human beings to God, thus to Me, and they also carry out a certain amount of vineyard work, yet success can only ever be in accordance with the degree of truth, which is why the right work for Me and My kingdom requires people who are fully instructed in the truth, and these are then the chosen ones amongst the many called ones who could all work for Me if they would fulfil the conditions in order to be chosen for a mission of utmost importance. For the work for Me and My kingdom does not determine the lifetime on earth but the whole of eternity, but it has to be accomplished in earthly life.... I certainly bless every will to help and I help where the full realisation of truth is not yet present, yet then I demand complete devotion to Me, I demand that your will be subordinated to Mine in order to then be able to influence you such that you will receive what you still lack in order to be counted amongst the chosen ones.... But only those people are chosen who have full realisation and now use it to help their fellow human beings onto the path which leads into My kingdom, which is not of this world.... Thus the chosen ones are those who have received their knowledge from Me Myself and are now eagerly working for Me.... And their activity will now be as determined by My will and My wisdom, because I alone know about human hearts, how and in what form they have to be worked on in order to reach the goal. I Myself prepare My servants who submit themselves to Me of their own free will in order to work for Me.... The diversity of people, their living conditions and their spiritual attitude towards Me also requires different work, different abilities and different opportunities, which I know about.... Yet one thing always remains the same: the truth.... cannot vary, it must always and forever remain unchanging and be offered to people as the pure teaching of Christ. Since the first and greatest commandment in this teaching requires love for Me and one's neighbour, but love also gives rise to the knowledge of truth, every person who lives with love shall irrevocably know the truth.... so that the way of life of the person who works for Me and My kingdom is therefore decisive as to whether he lives in truth, whether he is a chosen person who can now also successfully work for Me on earth.... People who find each other in love will not disagree, they will not advocate different teachings, they will recognise themselves as My servants on earth, for love enables them to work in the vineyard, love gives them what the intellect alone cannot give them.... knowledge of the truth and therefore also the ability to advocate the truth, to spread My teaching of love, which alone can lead to eternal life, which alone paves the way for people into My kingdom.... You must accept love alone as an explanation for My Word: Many are called but few are chosen....
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