2330 Living conditions according to the maturity of the soul.... knowledge of the being beforehand....
May 10, 1942: Book 32
The grace of embodiment as a human being is only granted to the being when it is willing to take this final path, i.e. when its will decides to do so. As soon as the being has travelled the path of development in all previous embodiments it has thereby reached the degree of maturity which is the condition for the last embodiment as a human being, which is indeed also different and therefore also requires different living conditions in the last stage. And the beingness.... of the soul created through the union of different substances.... is presented with the life on earth, which it has to live through for the purpose of final liberation, and it is still up to it whether it wants to take the path on earth or not. Fully aware of its earthly task it now takes earthly life upon itself, ready to conquer all resistance in this state and to free itself from the form. It is also aware of the fate it has to endure, but beforehand it only sees the external conditions of life, not its spiritual development, and feels completely strong enough to master life on earth. According to its state of maturity, which could be reached in the most varied gradations before, but always allows an embodiment as a human being, earth life is now granted to it, and more or less sorrowful and full of renunciation. For the soul has to be offered the final opportunities to mature in such a way that it can shape itself into a being of light in this short earthly life if it utilizes it. But its living conditions will always be such that it has the opportunity for active love activity, and its maturing will depend on how far it fills its life with love work. In all living conditions it is offered the opportunity to do so; the human being can also be willing to help and be of service if he lacks knowledge, who therefore knows nothing of the effect of his way of life in eternity. The soul only needs to decide in favour of good or evil on earth, and it can do so in every situation in life, even in the most primitive circumstances. The earthly circumstances, however, are conditioned by its development in the preliminary stages. If the being has previously been exceptionally instinctive, it has to fight against its instincts in earthly life and needs appropriate living conditions in which the soul can purify itself.
The soul is in no way disadvantaged in its possibilities of higher development, although it appears that earthly conditions are a hindrance to it. The obstacles which earthly life offers to every individual person have to be overcome, and some souls need greater obstacles, and therefore the external living conditions are allocated to them in such a way that they serve them. God knows about the shaping of every soul during its embodiment as a human being, He also knows about its strength of will, and His love tries to make the course of development easy for every soul. If the soul endeavours to make use of every opportunity, then the destiny destined for it will also be easily bearable for the human being and God will shorten its path through life as soon as it endeavours to mature spiritually. God's love brings people together in such a way that they can serve each other, that one can instruct the other, that one can give to the other what the latter lacks, and thus spiritual gifts are also offered to every person, albeit in the most varied form and to the most varied extent. Yet what is offered will always suffice to show him the right path he should take, and his willingness alone is decisive as to what advantages his soul will derive from it. The knowledge about God is likewise made accessible to all people.... if not from person to person then the spiritual beings are active and give him mental instructions, and it is always up to him to accept spiritual gifts or not, i.e. to believe or reject what is conveyed to him mentally or through people. And since God has given every human being intellect and free will, he is also responsible for how he utilizes both. All good will is recognized by God and help is granted to him accordingly. This help has already become his before through endless times, and the beingness also knows before its embodiment that the power and love of God assists it.... However, life on earth has to be lived without any recollection in order not to jeopardize the human being's free will. Yet no soul embodies itself without knowing about its earthly course, and with full will it takes this last embodiment upon itself in the desire to finally become free from every external form....
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