148 The Purpose Of Creation

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
6591 Knowledge about the process of pre-development.... Jul 9, 1956 595  Print view
The origin of creation is God
2771 This document has not yet been translated      
3148 This document has not yet been translated      
Been created for the spiritual and his case
7067 Act of creating the spiritual beings.... Mar 17, 1958 1466  Print view
7158 Cause and origin of Creation.... Jul 3, 1958 1007  Print view
Transformation of spiritual creations in material creations
4097 Creation of the world.... Moses.... metaphorical language.... Aug 5, 1947 82  Print view
3495 Spiritual and material creations.... Jul 23, 1945 83  Print view
7849 What is creation?.... reshaped power.... Mar 12, 1961 381  Print view
8770 The process of creation has taken eternities.... Mar 4, 1964 978  Print view
Creations in the universe
1919 Celestial bodies.... Various luminosity.... Purpose of those.... May 16, 1941 583  Print view
7942 Origin of the creation work 'earth'.... Jul 15, 1961 1145  Print view
Earthly creations
1810 This document has not yet been translated      
6727 When does the spiritual in matter become free?.... Jan 3, 1957 619  Print view
Creation of man
2330 This document has not yet been translated      
2344 The soul - Carrier of all works of creation.... May 24, 1942 776  Print view
2540 This document has not yet been translated      
3345 Multiple walk through creation.... God's plan of salvation.... recognition in the kingdom of light.... Nov 25, 1944 43  Print view
Overcome the matter
5087 World only means for the purpose.... overcoming matter.... Mar 18, 1951 107  Print view
7108 Joys granted by God.... creation miracles.... May 1, 1958 358  Print view
Change and destroying creations
2313 This document has not yet been translated      
2910 This document has not yet been translated      
8768 No work of creation is pointless or purposeless.... Mar 2, 1964 568  Print view
New creations
3943 God's creative will.... Spiritual and earthly creations.... Dec 25, 1946 550  Print view
7268 God's plan of salvation always requires new creations.... Jan 29, 1959 542  Print view
New banishment in matter
3255 New course of development.... banishing the spiritual.... Sep 15, 1944 35  Print view
4631 Agonies of a renewed banishment in solid matter.... May 8, 1949 680  Print view
Creations of the new earth
4369 New earth.... creations.... paradise.... Jul 10, 1948 88  Print view
6148 Further development on the new earth.... Dec 29, 1954 139  Print view
Spiritual creations in the beyond
1812 This document has not yet been translated      
3316 Different spheres in the spiritual kingdom.... Nov 3, 1944 588  Print view
5703 Purpose for creation.... Process of evolution.... Jun 21, 1953 375  Print view
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