166 Conscious Soul Work

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
7176 Spiritual flattening.... Jul 28, 1958 724  Print view
The soul
6210 Explanation about 'spiritual spark' and 'soul'.... Mar 12, 1955 371  Print view
2860 This document has not yet been translated      
The influence of the mind and body to the soul
3932 Body - soul - spirit.... divine spark.... awakening the spirit.... Dec 9, 1946 93  Print view
3963 Direction of thought and will of the soul.... spirit or body.... Jan 26, 1947 79  Print view
8327 The soul's union with its spirit.... Nov 12, 1962 556  Print view
Conscious incarnation to the rise of the soul
2330 This document has not yet been translated      
7146 Every soul starts its earthly progress consciously.... Jun 17, 1958 562  Print view
5198 Particles of soul.... Process of development on earth and in the beyond.... Aug 27, 1951 809  Print view
6007 Development of the soul to the height.... Jul 21, 1954 199  Print view
Conscious life on earth lived to mature the soul
2264 This document has not yet been translated      
6701 Love and suffering as means of purification.... Nov 29, 1956 547  Print view
8435 All circumstances of life offer opportunities to mature.... Mar 10, 1963 751  Print view
Change of character by conscious soul work
6158 Change of nature only from within.... Jan 8, 1955 1273  Print view
6730 Conscious psychological work.... Jan 7, 1957 761  Print view
Inner soul work
2759 This document has not yet been translated      
8064 Introspection.... Dec 16, 1961 917  Print view
Education for love
1915 This document has not yet been translated      
3214 Feature of spiritual upward development.... Aug 7, 1944 41  Print view
7073 Importance of being responsible.... Mar 26, 1958 361  Print view
Acquire sense of truth
2293 This document has not yet been translated      
3745 The spirit of truth.... Apr 17, 1946 351  Print view
7559 Serious desire for truth.... Mar 26, 1960 592  Print view
Overcome the world
2237 This document has not yet been translated      
2551 This document has not yet been translated      
6990 Do not sell your soul.... Dec 10, 1957 519  Print view
Conscious asking for forgiveness of sin
8647 Forgiveness through Jesus Christ.... increase of the degree of love.... Oct 17, 1963 564  Print view
8036 Entrance into the kingdom of light without Jesus Christ?.... Nov 8, 1961 512  Print view
Conscious contact with God
7332 God's presence and help requires conscious commitment.... Apr 11, 1959 688  Print view
7470 Taking stock of oneself and contact with the spiritual realm.... Dec 3, 1959 703  Print view
6363 Contact with Jesus Christ in every adversity.... Sep 23, 1955 1194  Print view
Desire of God's word
2362 This document has not yet been translated      
5736 Power of the divine word.... soul maturity.... Aug 2, 1953 115  Print view
7153 Man's conscious work of improving his soul.... Jun 25, 1958 1248  Print view
7445 Thoughts of death are favourable for the soul.... Nov 3, 1959 714  Print view
8413 "Work while it is still day.... " Feb 16, 1963 521  Print view
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