87 Predictions – Catastrophes And Accidents

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
3232 Fulfilment of predictions.... Aug 25, 1944 37  Print view
6470 Creation of nature proof of God's love.... Feb 7, 1956 349  Print view
8768 No work of creation is pointless or purposeless.... Mar 2, 1964 568  Print view
4062 Hell.... judged matter.... Jun 14, 1947 68  Print view
Godly spiritual liberation of the bound of the form
2175 Eruptions are an act of liberation for the spiritual substances bound in the solid form.... Dec 5, 1941 402  Print view
2448 Inner Earth activity .... Eruptions .... Aug 13, 1942 551  Print view
2449 Disasters in nature and their spiritual explanation.... Aug 14, 1942 579  Print view
2744 This document has not yet been translated      
Godly participation of the people in the redemption of the spirit of the form
2915 This document has not yet been translated      
3993 Transforming matter.... activity - blessing.... redemption.... Mar 7, 1947 137  Print view
7065 Redemption of the bound in the environment.... Mar 13, 1958 363  Print view
Premature destruction of the solid form and its consequences
1508 This document has not yet been translated      
2313 This document has not yet been translated      
3300 Destruction of works of creation and its consequences.... Oct 20, 1944 943  Print view
4965 Destructive will of God's adversary.... Bound spirits - Human being.... Sep 10, 1950 552  Print view
6666 Premature destruction.... hoarding earthly goods.... Oct 12, 1956 378  Print view
1011 Inventions.... forces of nature.... faith.... Jul 19, 1939 15  Print view
0737 Laws of nature.... reshaping and overexploitation of the earth.... Jan 8, 1939 24  Print view
0738 (continuation of no. 737) Laws of nature.... Reshaping and overexploitation of the earth.... Jan 8, 1939 26  Print view
0739 (continuation of No. 737 and 738) Laws of nature.... Reshaping and overexploitation of the earth.... Jan 9, 1939 25  Print view
6855 Pollution of air - water - food.... Jun 23, 1957 1143  Print view
1888 Decline of vegetation.... Storms - Tempests.... Apr 14, 1941 1152  Print view
6330 Explanation about strokes of fate.... Aug 10, 1955 574  Print view
6635 Mischief and misery.... God's will or permission.... Sep 4, 1956 924  Print view
3258 Premature departure from the world.... Purpose.... Sep 16, 1944 1146  Print view
7475 Indications of disasters.... Dec 11, 1959 716  Print view
8080 Through natural events God reveals His power.... Jan 15, 1962 580  Print view
Note to God's intervention through a great disaster
8542 Earthly flourishing.... Swift decline.... Jun 28, 1963 746  Print view
2086 Purpose of natural disasters.... Sep 25, 1941 958  Print view
2785 This document has not yet been translated      
3925 Word of God - silent admonisher.... loud voice - natural disaster.... Nov 26, 1946 89  Print view
6870 End time prophesies and admonitions.... Jul 12, 1957 1216  Print view
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