
0739 (continuation of No. 737 and 738) Laws of nature.... Reshaping and overexploitation of the earth....

January 9, 1939: Book 15

Therefore, hear the voice from above: It is a daring game to want to defy nature, and in areas that are supposed to serve the quiet, peaceful people to nourish their bodies, the overexploitation of the earth is pushed too hard. In such areas, immature nature spirits must be released in vast numbers, which will now also express themselves, and their activity will by no means remain hidden from the environment, but the eruptions of the earth's interior will prepare themselves, which are precisely the activity of such released nature spirits. Only those people can understand such a process who try to imagine what tremendous activity must develop when the rigid form, which harbours spiritual substances within itself, is suddenly released and all spiritual substances, which can never remain inactive, now enter into full activity.... that this activity must now somehow express itself. People do not consider that they themselves are the ones who suffer and that the activity of the spirits of nature makes itself felt in such a way that sooner or later people's peace will be seriously disturbed by changes in nature, which in turn call people's nourishment into question and also make themselves felt in other ways by having an unfavourable effect on people's mind, on their soul, and thus the people inhabiting such regions are exposed to serious influences from the immature spiritual beings that have become free. Only a spiritually advanced person can truly recognize and judge this.... people without such knowledge take all these phenomena for granted and don't know that they themselves are to blame for the physically and mentally miserable situation they find themselves in on earth, and that only due to the strong desire for gain, which is the reason why people try to penetrate the earth in order to extract as much value from it as possible........ Yet such striving can never meet with the creator's approval, and thus acting against His will and against the laws of nature will also result in a transformation of the earth which will not have a favourable effect on people and even less on their souls. For man should not fight against the laws of nature if he does not want to suffer damage to body and soul....


Translated by Doris Boekers