2785 Destruction by human will....

June 24, 1943: Book 37

A general despondency will take hold of people in view of the destruction wrought by human will. A time will dawn when no-one will be certain of keeping their possessions anymore, and this, too, is a sign of the end time that people will be seriously admonished to despise the world's possessions, to only strive for spiritual possessions and to prepare themselves for the end which is so close at hand for everyone. It will be an anxious time and people will almost no longer have the will to shape their lives differently because they will recognize the frailty of everything they undertake and life will seem unbearable to them. Yet in view of the approaching end this state of suffering is necessary for people who can only thereby still come to the realization that earthly life is not the main purpose of existence. Every creature will feel the battle in the last days, for it will also have an effect on the animal and plant world and ever faster deformations will be the result. And people, too, will have to end their earthly careers prematurely, partly through the work of destruction that human will allows to be carried out and partly through divine intervention, which will also claim numerous human lives. But all these sacrifices shall again help the survivors to realize, the latter shall become aware of how quickly death can end life so that they think of their souls and of life after death. People must be made aware of death because otherwise they will value earthly life as such too highly and thereby be in danger of forgetting their actual purpose of earthly life. And this requires extremely painful experiences, for people pass by suffering and misery without feeling unless it is exceptionally great and overwhelming. People are not yet able to distinguish right from wrong, they only have their own advantage in mind and approve of everything that brings them such. And they do not consider their neighbour and his need. And so the adversary has won God's game by not yet being recognized in his worst deeds, but instead finds approval and leniency. However, until a person realizes that he is guided by evil forces, until he abhors their activity, he will not find the right path. And this is why injustice has to be brought so close to him, he has to experience for himself what unkindness brings about and he has to change through his own suffering, he has to turn away from humanity's behaviour which is under satan's influence.... And he will only do so when he recognizes the futility of earthly goods, which only kindle desires and vices that lead to the greatest crimes. For it is only earthly goods for the sake of which people inflict the greatest suffering on themselves.... It will not be long before everything is left to decay, and this short time will still have to be a time of unspeakable suffering for humanity because it is far from preparing itself and thus thinks too little of life after death. But God uses all means to direct their thoughts towards it, and thus He allows what human will strives for in order to still save people by showing them the transience of earthly possessions and bodily life and thereby wants to guide them into realizing....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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