1084 Forecast of events....

September 6, 1939: Book 20

Your distant path through life has been shaped by God's wise counsel into an exceedingly blessed one, and therefore every day is just a rung to climb the height, so to speak, which requires you to work for the lord in the way you are meant to. And that is why everything has to go its own way and you have to endure a violent intrusion into your usual rest for the sake of your soul's higher development, and in times of need your heart should not fear, for the lord will lovingly stand by your side and strengthen you and your spirit.... Trust and take refuge in Him at all times, who will reward your trust. And now we want to instruct you on behalf of the lord, so that you can tell your fellow human beings about the outcome of the world conflagration. A victorious peace will not be granted to any of the disputants, for the lord Himself will intervene when the time has come. And indeed, those states that were so presumptuous as to break into peaceful lands will cause themselves the greatest damage, for they will fall under divine law. In the not too distant future their fate will already be sealed and the world will clearly regocnize the intervention of a higher power and it will be under sinister pressure because it will also regocnize the injustice of those who rule that country.... And it comes to its senses and longs for peace everywhere.... However, the more obvious the intervention of the eternal deity is, the less attention is paid to these instructions from above, especially in places where people are blinded by a desire for power and greatness. Thousands and thousands of people have to go through hours of utmost despair and yet they do not bring about a change in the people who are in a position of responsibility, and only the firm will of a deeply believing person who regocnizes the necessity of divine intervention and exerts great influence on them prevents further bloodshed.... And let it be said to you that you are already at the beginning of it, let it be said to you that you should make every mention of it, for the time is hurrying and people should already know in advance where it is appropriate, so that they will become the most ardent followers of God's teaching when the coming event occurs. For you must use every day to work for the lord. Only the will is your strength, for if you want what God's will is, He works through you, as it were.... And if you now fulfil the lord's will, you will also have the greatest strength at your disposal. You will certainly lose your outward calm as a result of this event but your faith will be strengthened and your will be prepared to work for the lord without delay. But world events will continue to take their course, only in a different way than it now appears. And from now on the spirit begins to become active and the time has come for the servants of the lord to fulfil their ministry on earth. Therefore, let everything come to you, patiently await the lord's mission and only ever consider every event in the sense that it is necessary for the maturing of the human soul....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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80 Predictions – Spiritual Decline And World Conflagration ePub   PDF   Kindle  
162 End Time Part 1 And 2 ePub   PDF   Kindle  


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