80 Predictions – Spiritual Decline And World Conflagration

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
4851 Old seers and prophets.... pictures.... accordance.... Mar 5, 1950 121  Print view
6030 People's indifference requires harder blows.... Aug 21, 1954 312  Print view
7602 Meaning and purpose of existence: turning away from the world.... May 18, 1960 412  Print view
The end of an era
3926 Expiry of the development period.... hard life struggle.... Dec 1, 1946 78  Print view
5936 Near end.... time calculation of God.... Apr 20, 1954 214  Print view
6812 Indicating the end of an era.... Apr 22, 1957 620  Print view
Pay attention to the signs of the times
4320 The present time will lead to the end.... Jun 1, 1948 956  Print view
3793 Course of the world event according to the development.... Jun 7, 1946 94  Print view
4735 Signs of the end time.... Sep 10, 1949 223  Print view
8310 Announcement of the end and signs of the time.... Oct 25, 1962 934  Print view
8175 Truth of the end prophecies.... May 12, 1962 777  Print view
Lack of love, self-love - Spiritual decline
1580 Influence by the prince of lies on people's thinking.... Aug 24, 1940 1011  Print view
3196 Bad will determines events of the time.... Jul 23, 1944 37  Print view
6524 Earthly work and toil before the end.... Apr 17, 1956 399  Print view
6574 Earthly advancement.... Spiritual decay.... Jun 16, 1956 572  Print view
4747 Sign of the near end: spiritual decline.... Apparent state of peace.... Sep 25, 1949 940  Print view
Increase of misfortunes and calamities
3819 Destiny.... Submission to God's will.... Jul 7, 1946 765  Print view
7524 Destiny conducive to reach full maturity.... Feb 17, 1960 808  Print view
8269 Strokes of fate.... disasters.... misfortunes.... Sep 10, 1962 377  Print view
8717 Further indication of disasters and war.... Jan 6, 1964 1335  Print view
Apparent Peace – Unrest
5680 Retreating into silence.... coming riots.... May 21, 1953 147  Print view
6271 Calm before the storm.... Forearmed fighters.... May 31, 1955 740  Print view
6970 Calm before the storm.... Illusion of peace.... Nov 16, 1957 1671  Print view
The world conflagration
1103 Deposing the earthly power.... Sep 21, 1939 770  Print view
4493 Death of a worldly ruler.... Turn of events.... Nov 23, 1948 1489  Print view
6471 Announcement of riots and unrest.... Feb 9, 1956 556  Print view
0801 Spiritual chaos.... World conflagration.... Messiah.... The forerunner of the Lord.... Mar 9, 1939 836  Print view
1017 World conflagration.... prophecies.... Jul 22, 1939 26  Print view
4001 Prediction.... Apparent burying of the hatchet.... Last phase.... Mar 17, 1947 997  Print view
7207 Only a short time of grace left.... Nov 14, 1958 899  Print view
9025 World conflagration.... Natural disaster.... Decision.... Aug 1, 1965 1014  Print view
The end of the world conflagration
1055 Prediction of big events.... Aug 13, 1939 17  Print view
1084 Forecast of events.... Sep 6, 1939 8  Print view
2361 Ending the struggle between the nations.... Jun 6, 1942 421  Print view
2803 End of the world conflagration.... Establishing divine order.... Jul 8, 1943 753  Print view
The time of trouble
2839 This document has not yet been translated      
4391 Great need.... divorce.... grace period.... Jul 31, 1948 112  Print view
8512 Declaration of sufferings and afflictions of the last days.... May 28, 1963 368  Print view
Trust God in adversity
5968 God's sure help in coming distress.... May 31, 1954 260  Print view
7641 Requesting strength for the approaching time.... Jul 5, 1960 551  Print view
8363 "I am with you all the days.... " Dec 26, 1962 499  Print view
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