
3793 Course of world events according to the development....

June 7, 1946: Book 48

World events are also taking their course in accordance with spiritual development, and thus chaos will also become ever greater because humanity is constantly regressing in its development. For it is increasingly moving away from the pole of love and striving towards the opposite pole, which is completely devoid of love. And this has to have an earthly effect in complete confusion, in complete disorder and therefore in an unbearable existence for people, in earthly hardship, in lack of realisation, error, wrong thinking and acting and finally in complete downfall, because nothing can exist forever in such disorder. And thus humanity is drifting towards its spiritual and physical downfall, and that is the end.... Where an upward development is still taking place the state of disorder will not be found to the same extent, yet the life of the individual is also adapted to the general state on earth, it is only more bearable because he keeps faith with God and makes use of His help. From a worldly point of view, however, one event follows the other, always corresponding to people's degree of development, and since this development therefore proceeds regressively, ever greater heartlessness follows one another, i.e., earthly measures and decrees conjure up ever more disaster for people, the suffering and hardship becomes ever greater, for humanity lives without God and can therefore only carry out those plans which God's adversary submits to it. And therefore, no worldly improvement can be expected, for where an improvement is striven for love must prevail, but this has grown cold and unkindness only gives birth to things which are contrary to God. And where an improvement is evident, it is only at the expense of fellow human beings, who are plunged into increased distress as a result. Satan's activities in the last days are openly visible and recognisable to anyone who wants to recognise.... And the time is drawing ever closer when his power will be broken for a long time. Before that, however, God grants him complete freedom, for people's will is inclined towards him and increases his power on earth himself. And only those people who strive towards God in free will can withdraw from his power because they are permeated by God's strength and clearly recognise the working of God's opposing power. Yet through world events all people can also recognise the one who is without love, and with serious will they can free themselves from him.... For God has placed the law of love in everyone's heart and given people the intellect to clearly recognise when this divine law is being sinned against....

And therefore He also allows the great world events to unfold such that they can open people's eyes if they want to see.... And it is up to them to decide for themselves whether to profess good or bad.... to carry out works of love or deeds of unkindness. His earthly life will also move more or less in order and the degree of his realisation will be accordingly. And even the final end will not come as a surprise to him if he pays attention to the signs and world events, which will take their course in accordance with humanity's will....


Translated by Sven Immecke