143 Acquiring The Virtues

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
7777 God's address is a great grace.... Dec 20, 1960 368  Print view
8401 The soul's realisation what it once had been.... Feb 3, 1963 579  Print view
8943 The human being is not a product of coincidence by a Creative Power.... Feb 25, 1965 853  Print view
Divine attributes
5511 God's essence is love.... Oct 19, 1952 130  Print view
6572 God's infinite love and patience.... Jun 14, 1956 539  Print view
6352 God's mercy.... Sep 11, 1955 564  Print view
5212 God is good and righteous.... Sep 15, 1951 933  Print view
Recovery of the divine attributes
5501 The divine attributes in man.... Proof through Jesus Christ.... Oct 6, 1952 169  Print view
7077 All divine qualities can break through again.... Mar 29, 1958 497  Print view
Way of life in peacefulness, gentleness and patience
0548 Admonition to unite.... Peacefulness.... Love.... Aug 16, 1938 1025  Print view
1910 This document has not yet been translated      
6149 Patiently bearing the cross.... Dec 30, 1954 536  Print view
7217 Trials in old age.... Love and patience.... Nov 29, 1958 533  Print view
7401 Frugality.... Aug 30, 1959 554  Print view
Way of life in mercy, justice and humility
6017 Compassion.... Aug 6, 1954 642  Print view
1032 Compassion.... Sick and weak people.... Jul 31, 1939 1100  Print view
7132 Merciful intercession.... May 27, 1958 728  Print view
7326 Justice.... Apr 5, 1959 544  Print view
1869 Sense of justice.... Judging one's fellow human being.... Mar 30, 1941 1205  Print view
2444 This document has not yet been translated      
5587 Humility.... Jan 27, 1953 332  Print view
2137 This document has not yet been translated      
6558 Humility – truth.... Arrogance – error.... May 30, 1956 362  Print view
7057 'I bestow My grace upon the humble....' Mar 6, 1958 913  Print view
Way of life in love
3755 The commandment of love as life’s guiding principle.... Apr 29, 1946 571  Print view
3920 Following Jesus.... A life of love and self-denial.... Nov 1, 1946 1392  Print view
4706 Charity.... Aug 7, 1949 320  Print view
7711 Love for "sick souls".... Sep 27, 1960 723  Print view
Fight against human errors and weaknesses
1003 Admonition to exercise self-control.... Gentleness - Peacefulness.... Jul 12, 1939 943  Print view
6286 Fight against longings and passions.... Jun 16, 1955 941  Print view
6706 Warning against the enemy.... fight against him.... Dec 5, 1956 691  Print view
8064 Introspection.... Dec 16, 1961 917  Print view
Change of character through conscious soul work
5515 Purification of the heart as the temple of God.... Oct 24, 1952 330  Print view
6158 Change of nature only from within.... Jan 8, 1955 1273  Print view
7059 Transformation requires soul work.... Mar 8, 1958 558  Print view
7379 Spiritual wealth in the afterlife.... power.... Jul 5, 1959 541  Print view
8377 God's help for the purification of the soul.... Jan 11, 1963 507  Print view
8608 Acquiring virtues.... Sep 6, 1963 771  Print view
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